Tag Archives: the-cats

Controversial Play-Doh Ads

A new ad campaign in Singapore uses Play-Doh shaped razor blades, pills, and butcher knives to remind parents that Play-Doh is “safe no matter what you make.” It also gives kids some really great ideas . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Advanced DOS Strategies

“Always format B:”. Words to live by

Here is the original post:
Advanced DOS Strategies

World’s Biggest Burger

The record breaking burger weighs in at 185lb and costs $499. I'll have two, no ketchup, hold the fries

Go here to see the original:
World’s Biggest Burger

Bailey Michelle: Cajun Girl

This is exactly why you have kids: to teach them to say crazy things in cute accents. Pet-eating is just a bonus.

Here is the original post:
Bailey Michelle: Cajun Girl

The Kittens Fight Back

Sick of being exploited on the internet, the cats have finally fashioned the cardboard boxes they're so fond of into a deadly mech to fight back against the tyranny of the internet. You've been warned.

Read more from the original source:
The Kittens Fight Back