Tag Archives: the-drinking

Jersey Shore: Anatomy of a Bender [Video]

No one knows how to party like the guidettes of Jersey Shore , the most important sociological experiment of our time. But the drinking can go from fun to filthy. Let us have a close look at Snooki’s drunkest moment. More

Jersey Shore: Anatomy of a Bender [Video]

No one knows how to party like the guidettes of Jersey Shore , the most important sociological experiment of our time. But the drinking can go from fun to filthy. Let us have a close look at Snooki’s drunkest moment. More

Bar Refaeli for Rampage of the Day

Rampage is some online clothing company who was smart enough to hire Bar Refaeli to do a photoshoot with them because before yesterday, I have a feeling, that no one ever heard of Rampage before. If I knew that all it took to become an international success and name that people know and trust was to hire a bitch for 20,000 dollars for a day, I would have started saving 5 years ago, because there is no way I don’t steal less than 20,000 dollars from my wife for the other Bar…you know the drinking kind, when I coulda been stagin photoshoots with hot pussy who wont fuck me but will be nice to me fot my money and let me piggy back on their name, instead of on their hot model asses, but with fame and fortune comes a hell of a lot more pussy that makes Bar Refaeli pussy obsolete but luckily I’m not an opportunist, marketing person or ambitious, instead I’ll stick to hard drinkin. Here are some of the pics.

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Bar Refaeli for Rampage of the Day

Charlize Theron’s Hidden Talent

You wouldn’t guess it…but Charlize Theron kicks butt at beer pong. The 34-year-old blonde beauty was challenged by talk show host Jimmy Fallon to the drinking game and won

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Charlize Theron’s Hidden Talent