Tag Archives: the-elipitical

Hot Ass in a Gym Creeper Video of the Day

I am not the creeper in the gym, filming all the bitches in their tight clothes, but I have been to a gym, and the only reason I was into the gym, was cuz of all the bitches in their tight clothes, who would look at me in disgust as I threw up all over the elipitical in what must have been a mild heart attack… That over a decade ago..and I don’t bother with the shit..cuz it just becomes consuming…you know girls of all ages, sweating and turning me the fuck on, making me obsessively think about hitting up their locker rooms with an awkward boner I tried hiding my whole workout I was faking but this video reminds me that I have the internet available to me and I don’t have to actually leave the house cuz I get all teh good parts emailed into me…allowing me to progressively work on being the fattest guy in town…hopefully landing a show on Oprah’s new network… Here’s some gym pussy…in video…thanks to some creep.


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Hot Ass in a Gym Creeper Video of the Day