Tag Archives: the-equipment

Wrongful Death: 68-Year Old Man Dies After Hospital Pumps His Lungs With Cleaning Detergent 

Source: Nomad / Getty 68-year old grandfather, William Hannah , has died after Salford Royal Hospital in the U.K. mistakingly filled his lungs with cleaning detergent instead of saline. The Hannah family’s lawyer told PEOPLE , During the procedure the doctor found there was no saline solution in the equipment trolley and so asked a healthcare assistant to pass this to him. However, the assistant became confused and instead of providing the doctor with the requested saline, accidentally handed him an unlabelled bottle containing detergent that they had prepared for cleaning equipment. The doctor then unknowingly used the cleaning solution to wash-out William’s lung. Following an internal investigation into the wrongful death, the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust concluded that the hospital did not deliver the “high standard of care” and offered its apologies to the family. Hearings for the case begin in February 2019. SMH, so sad.

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Wrongful Death: 68-Year Old Man Dies After Hospital Pumps His Lungs With Cleaning Detergent 

Colonic Irrigation

Colonic Irrigation may cause severe problems and must be carefully performed. If a person receieves to many treatments and absorbs too much water, this can lead to electrolyte imbalances in the blood, nausea, vomiting, heart failure, fluid in the lungs, abormal heart beats, or coma. Infections may also occur if the equipment becomes contaminated as a result of clearing out the colon bacteria. There is also the risk of breaking of the bowell wall. This is a severe problem and deaths have been reported. Colonic Irrigation is similar to an enema treatment. It involves flushing the bowel with water in different ammounts, temperatures, and pressures. This process is also known as colonic hydrotherapy. A tube is placed through the rectum and water is added by itself or with other enzymes, coffee, probiotics, or herbs. This treatment lasts about one hour. A high colonic procedure consists of water going in through a tube to the colon and is removed with the unwanted debris through another tube which is called an obturator. This process has been used since ancient times of Egypt, China, India, and Greece. It has been used in modern times to improve general health and other conditions. http://twitter.com/colonic_ added by: colonic_irrigation