Tag Archives: the-fearsome

New Hunger Games Still: Target Practice

At this point, it seems like The Hunger Games will be a slideshow of moody profile portraits and outdoorsy stills , but Lionsgate is determined to prove that it’s going to be a real movie — with another outdoorsy still. Here, Jennifer Lawrence (as the fearsome Katniss Everdeen) raises her bow and arrow to fire. Where’s she aiming? Debate with us after the jump.

See more here:
New Hunger Games Still: Target Practice

Michelle Orange’s Top 10 Films of 2010

Asking what films I’ve seen recently is a good way to wipe my brain clean. Once, in a job interview where it was clear the answer would determine my fate, all I could come up with was Calendar Girls , which would have been a poor choice even as a recent release, which it was not. Tabulation is not a strong suit. Rubrics wear me out. A recent report on people with brains like databases with total recall made me itch, and yet the chemistry made sense: An abundance of adrenaline caused ordinary events to imprint in their memories the way only extraordinary events — or even amazing shots, bravura scenes, and other bits of movie magic — do for the rest of us.

More here:
Michelle Orange’s Top 10 Films of 2010

Bad Movies We Love: A Star is Born

Merry Christmas, medium-sized fockers! I’ll avoid yuletide cinema this week (since Alonso Duralde is assuaging your Kris Kringle needs with his “12 Days of Christmas” film series ) and commemorate Little Fockers thespian Barbra Streisand’s other worst film for today’s edition of Bad Movies We Love: A Star is Born . Just like Christ, see. A Star is Born co-stars Kris (Kringle) Kristofferson, Gary (OMG) Busey, and our nervous laughter. Recline in your love-soft easy chairs and enjoy this fresh bearded hell!

The rest is here:
Bad Movies We Love: A Star is Born

Which New Actress Grossed Over $1 Billion at the Box Office This Year?

Ready for some shocking monetary figures that will put your $9/hour filing paychecks to shame? According to Forbes, Leonardo DiCaprio grossed $1.1 billion at the global box office in 2011 thanks to the fearsome twosome of Shutter Island and Inception . Okay, maybe DiCaprio’s perch on top of this year’s highest-grossing list is not that shocking. What is surprising, though, is which young actress finished just behind the actor, grossing over $1 billion. Any guesses?

See the original post:
Which New Actress Grossed Over $1 Billion at the Box Office This Year?