Asking what films I’ve seen recently is a good way to wipe my brain clean. Once, in a job interview where it was clear the answer would determine my fate, all I could come up with was Calendar Girls , which would have been a poor choice even as a recent release, which it was not. Tabulation is not a strong suit. Rubrics wear me out. A recent report on people with brains like databases with total recall made me itch, and yet the chemistry made sense: An abundance of adrenaline caused ordinary events to imprint in their memories the way only extraordinary events — or even amazing shots, bravura scenes, and other bits of movie magic — do for the rest of us.

More here:
Michelle Orange’s Top 10 Films of 2010
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged black-swan, bravura-scenes, calendar-girls, celeb news, chemistry, ordinary-events, recent-release, seen-recently, the-fearsome, tiny furniture, week