To paraphrase the Who’s classic song ” Won’t Get Fooled Again” : See the new trailer/Same as the old trailer. Seriously, there’s not a whole lot different in the second official trailer to be released for the Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson buddy comedy The Internship . We get the same fisting joke, the same Flashdance riff, scenes of a smarmy Max Minghella being an ageist dick, and, oh wait, here’s something that’s different: In the new trailer, Google executive Mr. Chetty ( The Daily Show ‘s Aasif Mandvi) gives the interns a little HR quiz and asks them if dating a fellow intern is okay. Google HR Training Video #1 In the second trailer, Mandvi asks — cue dramatic music — a different question: whether having a beer with your boss is kosher. What’s not different: Vaughn and Wilson answer “Yes” to both questions when…the answer…is…no! Google HR Training Video #2 If you notice any other differences, please reveal them in the comments section. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.
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WATCH: Repetitive Trailer For ‘The Internship’ Could Double As Google HR Training Video