Tag Archives: the-landscaper

Doggystyle: Atlanta-Area Landscaper Popped For Smashing Customer’s Dog To Smithereens

An Atlanta-Area Landscaper Caught Having Sex With A Client’s Dog This guy just HAD to taste the dog biscuit …SMFH. According to the AJC , a 61-year-old landscaper named Cruz Barrera-Lugo has turned himself in to Gwinnett County after being wanted by police for having sex with his clients’ dog. Gwinnett County police are looking for a landscaper who they say was seen committing a “lewd sexual act” on his client’s dog. A man was playing in his yard with his nephew when he saw landscaper Cruz Barreralugo, 61, participating in the act with their dog, a police release said. When the landscaper realized the man had seen him, he fled in a black pickup truck. Police were immediately called to the Lawrenceville home and reviewed surveillance video of the incident. Barraluego worked as a landscaper at the home every two weeks for nearly a year, and police are working to determine whether there were more incidents like this in the past. Cops are looking to charge Barrera-Lugo with bestiality and cruelty to children (because the nephew witnessed). We REFUSE to believe this was Barrera-Lugo’s first go-round with that dog. Yuck. Image via Gwinnett County PD

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Doggystyle: Atlanta-Area Landscaper Popped For Smashing Customer’s Dog To Smithereens