Tag Archives: the-mightiest

Rare Pancake Batfish Battered by BP Spill, May Not Make It

Credit: Prosanta Chakrabarty The Louisiana pancake batfish lives in the deepwater, but maybe not for long. Another kind of Deepwater , the oil rig that exploded on April 20, threatens the survival of the little-known fish. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Rare Pancake Batfish Battered by BP Spill, May Not Make It

Man Swims Across Mount Everest Lake To Highlight Global Climate Change

Photo via Business Innovation Factory We’ve heard of people doing some crazy swims to draw attention to a particular cause – for instance, Big River Man who swims some of the mightiest rivers in the world and in the process, points out their problems with pollution and other issues. But this latest swimmer is solid enough to make the toughest members of the Polar Bear club shiver. Lewis Gordon Pugh managed to become the first person to finish a long-distance swim in a lake … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Man Swims Across Mount Everest Lake To Highlight Global Climate Change