Tag Archives: the-objective

Renee Olstead on Set of the Day

Renee Olstead may not really matter in the grand scheme of the entertainment industry. I mean I can’t really place her without googling her for her actual work. What I remember her for is the self shot nudes her team leaked a solid 4 years ago after she lost a bunch of weight, in an era when self shot nudes would lead to fame and fortune…at least that’s the objective… SEE HER LEAKED NUDES HERE – THEY ARE AMAZING Now I don’t know if that’s actually her, because I have no idea who she is, but I do know these are some pics of her behind the scenes at a photoshoot, her big titties and all, and after seeing what could be her nude, I feel like I know her well enough to support her on her endeavours…even when they aren’t as interesting as her shoving objects in her vag. SEE HER LEAKED NUDES HERE – THEY ARE AMAZING

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Renee Olstead on Set of the Day

Sasha Grey for February’s GQ Spain of the Day

I think Sasha Grey is funny….she’s an overrated pornstar who turned her back on porn cuz she got one acting job where she played a pornstar or hooker….in what is just a product of her thinking she is a bigger deal than she is and that there is more to her than choking on dick on camera….when really there isn’t….she always tried to intellectualize her porn career, say it was performance art, and do anything she could do justify that she was just a bottom feeder taking a bottom feeder route to get known…when ultimately the objective was always mainstream….so seeing her get any exposure whether in obscure editions of GQ or not…just makes laugh…cuz I know as she sits there ass in the air….fully clothed….her only fan base…is her porn fan base….and they are being totally let down by her…..she fucked on camera, that’s who she is….so this mainstream exposure is totally undeserved….keep the gutter slut with no self respect in the gutter is what I say…not to mention her face is handicapped lookin….but you wouldn’t know that cuz you’ve only seen in covered in cum…the way it was meant to be seen.

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Sasha Grey for February’s GQ Spain of the Day