Tag Archives: the-paparzzi

Sarah Hyland’s Upper Thigh is In Love of the Day

Sarah Hyland had a hard nipple while she torments the paparazzi that she probably called while she went to a lunch at a place where the paparzzi hang out – because she just wants to have a normal life and go to normal places…but won’t move an hour out of the heart of LA where no paparrazzi hang out – because she’s a fucking celebrity and she fucking loves this shit – as she was raised to when her parents were whoring her to view this as important….but not important enough to be a cunt about…. But at least she’s not Ariel Winter… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE If you want to see her weird dressed at an EMMY party…. CLICK HERE The post Sarah Hyland’s Upper Thigh is In Love of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Sarah Hyland’s Upper Thigh is In Love of the Day