Tag Archives: the-paramedics

Do Not Mess With Universal: Bruno Bingo Hall Edition

Back in 2007, during the filming of Bruno , Sacha Baron Cohen and his film crew stormed a California bingo hall. They asked the unsuspecting patrons to sign Standard Consent Agreements, alleged that they were filming a “documentary-style film,” and then Bruno was invited on stage to call numbers. Only instead of just calling numbers, the flamboyant Austrian character related each digit to a milestone in his relationship with a former gay partner — a showy extreme that ended in tears, a call to the paramedics, security officers forcibly removing Cohen, a “brain bleed” and a lawsuit against NBC Universal, that we learn today, the studio has won.

See the article here:
Do Not Mess With Universal: Bruno Bingo Hall Edition

Rennee Zellweger Actually Looks Kinda Good

I find it hard to believe that I’m actually saying this, but I think that Renee Zellweger actually does look pretty good in these pictures. She’s showing off her boobs a little in a tight shirt and her face doesn’t seem to have that ‘I’ve just been stung by a bee call the paramedics’ look to it. Not bad at all. This is obviously the first time I’ve ever had her on the site so clearly she’s doing something right, but next time lose the top.