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Alec Baldwin Thinks of CNBC as a Dating Service

On the next season of 30 Rock , Jack Donaghy will have a fling with a right-wing CNBC talking head. On the last season of Alec Baldwin ‘s mixed-up life, he hit on this real right-wing CNBC talking head. Art imitates life ! The 30 Rock plotline will involve Donaghy getting mixed up with a conservative CNBC analyst played by Elizabeth Banks, who describes her character as ” Sean Hannity in a skirt .” The affair begins after Donaghy makes a CNBC appearance, which was actually filmed at NY1’s studios, which occasioned this awesome photograph of Baldwin and Gawker favorite Pat Kiernan .

See the article here:
Alec Baldwin Thinks of CNBC as a Dating Service

Drinking age of 21 doesn’t work

One year ago, a group of college and university presidents and chancellors, eventually totaling 135, issued a statement that garnered national attention. The “Amethyst Initiative” put a debate proposition before the public — “Resolved: That the 21-year-old drinking age is not working.” It offered, in much the way a grand jury performs its duties, sufficient evidence for putting the proposition to the test.

Go here to read the rest:
Drinking age of 21 doesn’t work