Tag Archives: the-vampires

Anna Paquin’s Cute Little Booty

This season of True Blood is not exactly living up to expectations. Enough with the werewolves and fairies and shape-shifters, get back to the vampires, next we’ll have leprechauns riding unicorns at the head of a zombie army. It’s too much. But at least Anna Paquin is still hot. Here she is showing off that cute little booty of hers in a tight skirt. You’re welcome.

Peter Facinelli Takes His Coven For A Stroll

Looks like Carlisle Cullen AKA Peter Facinelli was enjoying some coven time with his kiddies and wife Jennie Garth. Peter and company paled around the streets of Vancouver while he was on break from Twilight: Eclipse .

The rest is here:
Peter Facinelli Takes His Coven For A Stroll