Tag Archives: the-wackiest

Peep Yoko Ono’s Incredibly Inappropriate Clothing Line Full Of Hands On Nethers And Insanity

Yoko Ono’s Inappropriate Clothing Line If you know anything about Yoko Ono, it’s that she’s incredibly batisht crazy. Like damn near clinically insane. If you want proof, then look no further than her most recent clothing line that features painted hands touching guys’ most private of parts. Yes, it’s bizarre. Yes, it’s hilarious. And no, you should never be caught dead wearing this. The funniest pics are the looks on the brotha’s face as he has to wear some of the wackiest crap we’ve ever seen. Ladies, what would you do if your man came through in one of these outfits> Or guys what if your buddy came over in a hand-painted ding dong pant like “ready to hit the club?” Sound off!

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Peep Yoko Ono’s Incredibly Inappropriate Clothing Line Full Of Hands On Nethers And Insanity