Tag Archives: their-freshmen

Brutality? Drug-Addicted Mother Arrested For Child Endangement Dies After Being Kicked In Her ‘Lady Parts’ By Officers

Woman Dies In LAPD Custody After Reportedly Being Kicked By Police Officer Several LAPD officers are under investigation after a drug-addicted young mother died following a forceful arrest where she was reportedly kicked in her lady lips by one of the arresting officers. At least five Los Angeles Police officers are being investigated after 35-year-old Alesia Thomas (pictured) died in police custody, the Los Angeles Times reports. On July 22, Thomas reportedly left her two children, a 3-year-old and 12-year-old, at the LAPD’s southeast station after allegedly telling officers that she could no longer care for them because of her drug addition. Officers were assigned to look for Thomas and found her at her home in the 9000 block of South Broadway in Los Angeles. After being questioned, the officers arrested her “on suspicion of child endangerment.” But, Thomas “began actively resisting arrest.” One of the officers took her down by sweeping her legs from underneath her. Another one of the officers reportedly went as far as kicking her in the “lady lips” during the arrest. The official account, however, made no mention of what another officer confirmed was a female officer’s questionable treatment of Thomas. The department’s account said officers immediately notified paramedics. It is unclear whether the officers attempted to resuscitate her and how much time passed before paramedics arrived. Thomas died shortly after being transported to a hospital. This is just an unfortunate and sad situation all around. Smh. Source

Brutality? Drug-Addicted Mother Arrested For Child Endangement Dies After Being Kicked In Her ‘Lady Parts’ By Officers

Get The Care Packages Ready! Celeb Kids On Their Way To College!

It’s that season again. Some of you have driven your kids to what you hope is their home for the next four years: college. Some of you may have kids who’ll share classes with some of the celebrity kids on the next few pages who are also entering their freshmen year. Read The Rest At MadameNoire.com

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Get The Care Packages Ready! Celeb Kids On Their Way To College!