Tag Archives: their-mansion

Heidi Montag’s Transformer’s Audition is Desperate of the Day

Like the bottom feeding trash that this bitch is, she is trying to get Megan Fox’s job in transformers by posting a shooting gallery training session with a cop on her twitter directed @michael_bay, like the time I tried to get sex with Lohan by writing @lindsaylohan “Let’s have sex”….it’s laughable, it’s a joke, she’s a joke that is hopefully coming to a fucking end…because she can’t go on forever and suicide or a botched plastic surgery is inevitable, but there’s always something guys find hot about bitches with guns, no matter how low level and useless they are….so here are some pics of her with guns, that aren’t that recent, but are doing the rounds, cuz people find this twitter hustle a fucking joke and we all like watching bitches with egos fall…lets just hope we are hear about a gun accident in their mansion in the near future….murder suicide can be a beautiful thing when it involves these twats. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Heidi Montag’s Transformer’s Audition is Desperate of the Day