Tag Archives: their-messaging

Callie Cattaneo Naked of the Day

Callie Cattaneo seems pretty legitimate…in terms of her modeling…and getting naked on the internet… I tried to find her on social media – but her account seemed private, which I guess is tactics to be mysterious, compelling and get a follow, but I “X” that nonsense and move on with my life…because if you’re getting naked in shoots – post them up on your iG…it’s the way the system works… I did find that she was a Maxim Hometown Hottie challenger, you know submitted her pics to get noticed in a world where MAXIM doesn’t matter – it’s not the late 90s.. Her bio read – “Hey Im Callie! Born and raised in Missoula Montana. Im a leo and im 23 years old. I played college soccer and i love the beach” She clearly put massive amounts of effort into writing that one…she didn’t even capitalize her i…..that’s how you know she’s real.. Not that I fixate on grammar, as I don’t proof read anything I ejaculate on my keyboard here, and often times I accidentally see what I’ve previously written and think “what the fuck does any of this mean”…letters misplaced…words misplaced…and going after someone for grammar and not substance of their messaging is just a cop out… But when your bio is “Hey Im Callie! Born and raised in Missoula Montana. Im a leo and im 23 years old. I played college soccer and i love the beach!”… There’s not much substance to her messaging…everyone loves the fucking beach, get a fucking job. Thanks for the tits.

The rest is here:
Callie Cattaneo Naked of the Day