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15 Things That Happened 20 Years Ago And Changed Life As We Knew It

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Source: NBC / Getty 1999 was huge year for lots of people, for various reasons. Most Americans were losing their s***, figuratively and literally, over the idea that the world would end in the year 2000 . Either that or robots would take over and we would be their servants — which is kind of true when you think about our addictions to cell phones these days. It’s still hard to believe that ’99 was 20 years ago though. The hashtag #ItsBeen20YearsSince proves that time is flying by and things are changing, quickly. #ItsBeen20YearsSince we were really partying like it was 1999. — Catie Larson (@CatieLarson) January 23, 2019 #ItsBeen20YearsSince I checked out that library book and never returned it. pic.twitter.com/O644eaKaA0 — Billie (@Billie_Jean00) January 23, 2019 Millennials we’re getting old guys.  In the spirit of nostalgia, hit the flip to check out things that happened in 1999 that changed life as we knew it.

15 Things That Happened 20 Years Ago And Changed Life As We Knew It