Tag Archives: these-immortals

Immortal: Portraits of Naked, Beautiful Youth

“Immortal” is a stunning work of photo-based art by the Parisian photographer Vee Speers, a work which creates a new world that merges Mona Lisa charm and mystery, with the melancholy of Dorian Gray. At once alluring and disquieting, these portraits of naked, beautiful young people are set against backdrops of Eden-like natural beauty, or scenes of post-apocalyptic destruction. What makes “Immortal” work so well is the direct gaze that Speers elicits from her subjects. The look is genuine, whether it’s detached, disdainful, modest, defiant, arrogant, melancholy, worried, or puffed up with peacock machismo. These Immortals are all like tragic fallen angels, eyes opened with animal intelligence, looking out onto an uncertain future, not even aware of how perfectly beautiful they appear to be right now. This piece includes a number of high-resolution color photographs, a remarkable slide show and the short film, “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” http://disembedded.wordpress.com/2010/09/16/photos-of-the-day-portraits-of-naked… added by: disembedded