Tag Archives: these-sweater

Pippa Middleton Still Hasn’t Gone Bad of the Day

Dear Pippa – I am still waiting for you to piss off your family by being a dirty little slut….humiliating them to let them know there is more to life that your sister and her royal family prostitution that made her a queen….you know to assert yourself as your own kind of queen by exposing your genitals…Get on that cuz these sweater/nun influenced conservative shit that I can’t jerk off to even if I know there’s a whore burning up under them…just doesn’t cut it… Thanks in advance….regards….sincerely…..etc… .

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Pippa Middleton Still Hasn’t Gone Bad of the Day

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Sweater Kittens

If you guys like sweater puppies, I’m sure you will love these sweater kittens. *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Sweater Kittens Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Sweater Kittens