Tag Archives: these-underage

Miley Cyrus in Pasties for Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus is doing some fashion week bullshit…and she’s doing it in pasties with what looks like a vile rash…something You are probably used to, since all your girls have dirty fucking rashes… Her outfit involves playing up her “Rave” culture nonsense…that I’d like to think she knows nothing about because I used to go to raves in the early 90s, they were the only place I was allowed to drink until 10 am, while all these underage assholes on MDMA massaged each other, dressed like clowns, smelling like shit…in an era when these DJs made 100 dollars a night… But what the fuck do you need to know about rave culture, it’s hardly a culture, and more a place idiots get high dancing to stupid music, whether it’s mainstream and DJS make a 100,000 dollars a night at festivals or not…it just means more idiots..dressed like idiots..being idiots… What I guess we can learn from this outfit is that there sometimes, breast can be small enough, that pasties are more of a shirt Proof: Here’s her ass TO SEE ALL THE PASTIES AND RASH PICS CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus in Pasties for Instagram of the Day