This is pretty hilarious….you know since cops are evil for the most part and totally above the law…and pretty much do whatever they want…as they are a brotherhood who bail each other out when they do fuck up…like when cops drink and drive…or talk on their cellphones…or pretty much do anything illegal for normal people…that’s what makes this video great.
Victoria Silvstedt is a hooker…and I mean that in the most polite way…because my friend seems to think calling a girl who gets paid for sex a hooker is the rudest possible thing you can call her…when I just think it is classic….before words like escort came into the scene to fancy up a low level career move….. This gold digging opportunist did Playboy in the 90s, then landed the job as mistress to a Greek shipping billionaire who finances her life…and her upgraded tits…and all she has to do is not age, stay fit, and walk around half naked living the life of luxury. This is a half naked pic she posted to twitter that doesn’t matter – cuz she doesn’t matter – but that I will still look at cuz she’s half naked…I am easy like that…as you may or may not already know…
I think being Catholic is awesome. However, I don’t like this attempt to re-cast Catholicism as something cool . Catholicism is not contemporary. It’s not fashionable. It’s not hip. It’s timeless. I don’t think we have to be high-brow and august about it all the time. But I think calling ourselves cool appeals to a certain fashion-minded worldliness that is unbecoming to the faith. Catholicism is cool… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : BIG BLUE WAVE Discovery Date : 14/03/2012 20:05 Number of articles : 2