Tag Archives: think-the-key

Ahmed Mohamed Snags Invitation to The White House

Barack Obama stands with Ahmed Mohamed. As detailed in the following video, this 14-year old Muslim from Texas was actually detained by the police after he brought a homemade clock into school. Student Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock to School The teacher believed it to be a bomb and called the authorities. No charges were filed, but the story spurred talk of Islamophobia online, with the hashtag #IStandWithAhmed quickly trending on Twitter and his sisters setting up an account for their sibling at @istandwithahme. It has amassed over 26,000 followers in just a few hours. Among those who have taken notice of the story? A certain Commander-in-Chief. “Cool clock, Ahmed,” Barack Obama wrote on Twitter this afternoon. “Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.” (But isn’t America not great? Don’t we have to make it great again, as Donald Trump says on his hat?) According to The Dallas Morning News, Ahmed made the clock in question out of a circuit board, which was covered by a pencil case that resembled a metal briefcase. When the item started beeping inside his bag at MacArthur High School, administrators called the police and Ahmed was suspended for three days. Ahmed told the newspaper he was “interrogated” by multiple police officers, who took mug shots of him and who even placed him in handcuffs (for “safety” reasons, Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd said in a press conference). “It made me feel like I wasn’t human,” Ahmed told the newspaper. “It made me feel like a criminal.” Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg have expressed support for Mohamed via Twitter, prompting the 14-year old to write in response: “Thank you for your support! I really didn’t think people would care about a Muslim boy. #Thankyouforstandingwithme #IStandWithAhmed. “We can ban together to stop this racial inequality and prevent this from happening again.” View Slideshow: 11 Stars Who Should Run for President

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Ahmed Mohamed Snags Invitation to The White House

Whitney Port Critics Say She Looks "Dead" or "Ghoulish" Without Makeup: Read Her Rant!

The Hills’ Whitney Port has come out swinging against her Instagram critics who say she looks hellish or ghostly without makeup on. Throughout her years as a reality star, Whitney’s persona was based upon her being Lauren Conrad’s soft-spoken and sweet friend. Port bluntly addressed the criticism that she has faced regarding her face on social media, however, and she’s not backing down. At all. In fact, she says she’s flaunting her makeup-free face more often than ever … ’cause she’s winning the battle with acne and haters! Writes the 30-year-old fashion designer and USC graduate: “Hi guys. So I don’t want to come off as preachy AT ALL!” “But lately, when I post a pic of myself without makeup on @instagram, people hate – telling me I look dead or anemic or whatever! Over it!” “I struggled with my skin A LOT growing up. I had terrible acne throughout high school and college and finally got it under control in my mid 20’s.” “I’ve learned that keeping it healthy and clear is mostly due to keeping it clean.” “I TRULY think the key to inner and outer beauty isn’t about all the things we can buy to cover up our skin,” she writes, but the opposite. To Port, it’s all about “how we can embrace our skin and keep it healthy.” “Clean skin is in. The more I keep it clean, the better condition it’s in.” “And when you do decide to put a little makeup on (I mean, we all do) our skin is a pure foundation for it to live on! So goodbye haters!” “I’m gonna embrace my bare, colorless, pale and ghostly skin because I don’t need to hide behind anything.” “I urge all you out there to not be afraid of showing that beautiful, bare face of yours to the world.” “Join me and tag all your clean skin selfies using the hashtag #OurCleanSkinIsIn Let’s do this!!!” Damn. Preach on, girl. And step off, Insta-haters. #Owned. View Slideshow: 22 Make-Up Free Star Selfies

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Whitney Port Critics Say She Looks "Dead" or "Ghoulish" Without Makeup: Read Her Rant!

Check Out Some REAL "Good Old-Fashioned Orgies" with Mr. Skin [PICS]

A Good Old-Fashioned Orgy star Lake Bell (seen above) appeared on Chelsea Lately last night, and Lake had some skinteresting comments, about, oh I dunno, US: I think the key to shooting any kind of sexual, or nudity, scene is not to pull any faces. Because I pull faces a lot, like ‘ahhh, look at me, I’m crazy’, and there’s all this stuff going on that’s NOT pretty in a still….Now I’ve got it down, so if there’s nudity involved of any sort…you have to…make sure you’re kind of posing in your face a little, cause it’s going to be freeze framed. Mr. Skin, you know …. Thanks for the shout-out, Lake, but we’re going to have to call your bluff on this one, because you’ve never actually BEEN nude in a movie! Not even in this movie- Angela Sarafyan is the only one who peels to reveal in A Good Old-Fashioned Orgy . It’s clear these ladies need a lesson in what a REAL good old-fashioned orgy looks like, and what better place to turn than the swingin’ ‘70s for skinspiration? More after the jump!

See the article here:
Check Out Some REAL "Good Old-Fashioned Orgies" with Mr. Skin [PICS]