Tag Archives: think-the-left

Cry Me A River: Herman Cain’s Buddies Say He’s A Victim Of A High-Tech Lynching

Oh, so Herman Cain and his people want some sympathy for him now? No thank you. After Cain has been attacked for his sexual harassment cases from years ago and his denial/non-denial/admission/shadiness made him look even worse, hhis conservative homies are trying to yank the race card out of their back pockets to say he’s a victim of a technological lynching. At least initially, conservatives rallied around Cain, likening the attacks on the Republican presidential contender to what they describe as the “high-tech lynching” of another prominent black Republican: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The forceful early reaction to the Cain firestorm – fueled by racially charged rhetoric – suggests the Georgia businessman’s attempt to cast himself as a victim of the media and liberals could, so far, be paying dividends within his conservative Republican base, which will hold considerable sway in selecting the party’s nominee. The head of the conservative Media Research Center, Brent Bozell, labeled the story a “high-tech lynching,” evoking Thomas’ divisive Supreme Court confirmation hearings two decades ago, where he was confronted with sexual harassment allegations from a onetime employee, Anita Hill. “I think the left is totally and completely terrified of a conservative black man coming to power and prominence,” said Debbie Dooley, a leader of Atlanta Tea Party Patriots. “They are trying to do the same thing to him that they did with Clarence Thomas.” “It’s outrageous the way liberals treat a black conservative,” fumed pundit Ann Coulter. So now, after insulting the Black community since he started his mission to embarrass the White House, Hermie is trying to gain some sympathy? Go somewhere with that one, buddy boy.

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Cry Me A River: Herman Cain’s Buddies Say He’s A Victim Of A High-Tech Lynching