I don’t know who the fuck uses calendar’s anymore, I can only assume that when a company throws one together they are doing it as a joke, because even the 70 year olds I know use computers and cellphones to manage their busy almost dead lives. I assume the only motherfuckers who don’t use calendar’s are mechanics, immigrants and maybe people in the third world, but I doubt that is the reason Vogue Paris threw together these nude pics of model Daria Webowy in calendar, and I guess ANY excuse to get a bitch naked is a good one, even though shit is dated, but the french are always a few steps behind, cuz they don’t give a fuck, at least when it comes to their women who like to have unprotected creampie anal sex on one night stands. Next level.
See original here:
Daria Werbowy Nude in Vogue Paris Calendar of the Day