Tag Archives: throw-on-fake

It Could Be Purple, It Could Be Drank: A Mega Gallery Of The Most Slizzard Celebs

Celebrities like to party. A lot. Just as much as we do. The good thing is our drunkenness isn’t broadcast across the world for millions so see. Oh well, poor them. Let’s enjoy!

Read the original here:
It Could Be Purple, It Could Be Drank: A Mega Gallery Of The Most Slizzard Celebs

When Manicures Go Wrong: Hood Nail Designs You Shouldn’t Try

I’m all about pampering yourself from time to time, and a manicure is something every woman should experience during extremely stressful times. Granted, you don’t have to throw on fake nails every time you go. The nail gurus can “fancify” your own naturally grown tips just as good as they would some Fritos-shaped artificial joints. But in my years of getting manicures, I’ve seen way to many chicks go above and beyond what is tasteful. I’ve seen 3D art to the extreme on nails, beads, bows–everything you would put on your hair, but on your fingers. Self-expression is cool, but serious question: How you do you write with those things!? Because I love scanning Google Images for all types of hood fabness, this list goes out to the woman whose nails are an epic art project. You’re dead wrong, girl, but we love you anyway. Check ‘em out at MadameNoire.com

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When Manicures Go Wrong: Hood Nail Designs You Shouldn’t Try