Rihanna is cool with Chris Brown being in contact with her again. Let’s be clear in that it’s unclear just how much contact they plan on having. But her lawyer says she would like the restraining order against Brown lifted, which would enable him to get close to her again without risking getting thrown in jail. Whatever the motivation, she’s come a long way since 2009. Brown requested the court drop the restraining order recently. Rihanna’s attorney Donald Etra says she ” does not object ” to reducing it to a “do not annoy” order, allowing contact as long as Chris doesn’t harass/molest her. Chris initially asked for the reduction, but the court needed to know how Rihanna felt before ruling. The order has not been changed yet, but it could be soon. Again, this could be as simple as her doing him a favor. The No Contact Order being in place puts him at risk of prosecution. But you have to wonder. Might they rekindle the romance, or at least friendship, in the future?
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Rihanna Wants Contact With Chris Brown