Tag Archives: tiger-deaths

Lesbian Sergeant Outed by Police and Discharged Under DADT

More than 13,500 people have been discharged under the military's ridiculous “don't ask, don't tell, don't harass, don't pursue” policy since 1994. How exciting that despite playing by all the complicated rules of tiptoeing through the landmines of living LGBTQ in the military, Jene Newsome gets to count herself among that number after she was outed to superiors. Not by her co-workers, but by local police http://womensrights.change.org/blog/view/lesbian_sergeant_outed_by_police_and_di… added by: SalvadoreSouza

China zoo shut amid tiger parts harvest allegation

A zoo in northeastern China has been shut after a spate of Siberian tiger deaths as reports Wednesday said dozens of the dead animals may have been used to make a virility tonic. added by: redrabbit