Tag Archives: time-capsule

Quickly, Let’s Name 50 Films That Can Never Be Remade and Save Their Souls

The dust has settled and it looks like they’re really going to remake Logan’s Run . With Ryan Gosling. Yep. You might remember that I mocked the original Logan’s Run the other day . I was positive we didn’t need to revisit it, actually! And yet, Logan Run ‘s bastardization is a minor loss compared to what could be. The occasion calls for a rally: Let’s name 50 movies that can’t be remade for the following reasons: 1) They’re perfect the way they are and belong in a time capsule; 2) they will seem grotesque in a 2011 update. Please add your own. Together, we can save some lives.

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Quickly, Let’s Name 50 Films That Can Never Be Remade and Save Their Souls