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Get In Formation: 10 Things From Beyoncé’s "

10 Things From Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” That Are Likely To Excite The #BeyHive Well ladies, gentlemen and followers of her majesty Beysus Christ , the day is finally here. A great many of you lost your collective s#!t last week when Beyoncé released an extended trailer to her artsy-fartsy HBO film “Lemonade” which debuts tonight. While the minute-long trailer definitely fanned the flames, no one still has any real idea what the hell this thing is all about. Is it a cohesive movie? A documentary?? Are there scenes of her and Jay Z dressed in onesies reenacting old Destiny’s Child videos??? WHO KNOWS?! What we do know is what we’d LIKE to see. Flip the page to see 10 things that will probably have our Twitter timeline buzzin’ with #BeyHive mania. Image via Instagram/WENN/Splash/HBO

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Get In Formation: 10 Things From Beyoncé’s "