Tag Archives: tits-at-events

Rita Ora Titty Party of the Day

Rita Ora’s above picture is her promoting some bootleg netflix type device – because netflix isn’t the end all be all of streaming and Rita Ora is down to make any and all money she can because her singing career isn’t paying the fucking bills – but her tits are doing okay for her, they’ve got her at the right table, they’ve got her followers and followers means she can monetize… She’ll never be the Next Rihanna like she tried to be, but at least she can use her tits at events…everywhere to survive and pull off this American Dream… She does it for an independent UK…where this titties are from… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rita Ora Titty Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora Titty Party of the Day