Tag Archives: personal-gain

Rita Ora Titty Party of the Day

Rita Ora’s above picture is her promoting some bootleg netflix type device – because netflix isn’t the end all be all of streaming and Rita Ora is down to make any and all money she can because her singing career isn’t paying the fucking bills – but her tits are doing okay for her, they’ve got her at the right table, they’ve got her followers and followers means she can monetize… She’ll never be the Next Rihanna like she tried to be, but at least she can use her tits at events…everywhere to survive and pull off this American Dream… She does it for an independent UK…where this titties are from… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rita Ora Titty Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora Titty Party of the Day

Kanye West Fame Whores His is New Video “FAMOUS” of the Day

Kanye West streamed his new video, the one that made fun of Taylor Swift, on TIDAL because he’s Jay-Z’ and Beyonce’s bitch – and it features what are the most “famous” people of the time, in bed, topless, together…in the Kim Kardashian school of fame whoring, attention seeking, media manipulating, distracting, trolling, lying for personal gain…bullshit that they try to intellectualize or make interesting… So the 12 famous people topless together – are George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, and Taylor Swift. I think Kanye was most into the Caitly Jenner nude… Apparently, these are dolls, but even if they were human, they are just vapid, shallow, useless puppets…… So take it in…Kanye is the worst – but Sister Nancy is great….love that BOM BOM song… Side not – Kim K’s tits are such jokes… The post Kanye West Fame Whores His is New Video “FAMOUS” of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kanye West Fame Whores His is New Video “FAMOUS” of the Day

Kendall Jenner Shaving Her Legs Like Her Dad for Fashion Week of the Day

Kendall Jenner, I assume this is Kendall Jenner, but it could be her father, posted a video of her shaving her legs, because I guess she though tit was funny, to show the world her dad shaving his legs, because dad’s don’t shave their legs, unless it is for sensationalizing a serious situation like Transgender for his personal gain, all while being spun into being a hero or a martyr by the same people who created Kim Kardashian as a victim and pop culture Icon from a porn career.. They have a good team behind them… Unless this is Kendall Jenner, in which case: Fashion week…Fashion week….Fashion week… Here she is in high waisted jeans…with Steven Tyler…because she’s a Top Model…thanks to the same people who turned Kim Kadashian into a fashion and pop culture icon….they can spin pretty much everything.. The post Kendall Jenner Shaving Her Legs Like Her Dad for Fashion Week of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner Shaving Her Legs Like Her Dad for Fashion Week of the Day

Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Kylie Jenner is interesting….she proves that if you have the right level of stage mother, you know who really understands the market, how to make money as “spokesmodels” or personalities, and who grasps the vain narcissistic world that we live in, or that that family in particular live in, she’ll totally sign off on your tanning sessions, your lip injections, your implants, I mean hell she would have done it sooner if she didn’t have to wait until 16 to do it. That’s not to say that the chubbier and “edgier” Jenner, or as I like to call them Kardashian’s Part 2, who are the mother’s second wind of talent to exploit for personal gain and a tap on the back, while the grand kids have time to hit 13 before it is their turn….has had word done…she just looks like she has…and if a porn looking, made-up like it was Halloween on a Tuesday lookin’ reality star spin off isn’t your thing, than you’re crazy…because Kyle Jenner is amazing.

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Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Chrissy Teigen’s Nipple Slip of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is a fame whore and a wallet fucker – who milks everything for personal gain – so this nipple is planned… Chrissy Teigen doesn’t like me. She even went to her blog to talk about how I am probably a rapist because I called her old, dumpy and a gold digger who should get knocked up to secure monthly payment the second pussy-whipped Jon Legend runs the fuck away from her washed up ass, and trades her in for a younger model, because he has options and she doesn’t…not to mention she doesn’t get much work..she’s more of one of those free models who just likes the status because it tricks people around her into thinking she matters…

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Chrissy Teigen’s Nipple Slip of the Day

Amy Childs Silly Big Tits in a Bikini of the Day

AMY CHILDS is from the UK, she claims she’s 21 or 22….but I’d have to see proof, because she looks like she’s more of a 45 year old cougar from Flordia, rocking her second set of fake tits, because her first ones weren’t big enough for the UK, because the UK loves stupidly huge tits, probably because the working class chimney sweep family were too poor and malnourished from all the porridge and potatoes to breast feed the last 100 years. You know, giving them a big titty complex. Either way, along with posing in this green Bikini, Amy Childs has achieved such greatness as being in Celebrity Big Brother and some other shit called The Only Way is Essex, not that it matters, what matters is that she’s another nobody milking her tits for personal gain, which works for me because I’d like to milk her tits for personal gain to. Not to mention, she’s got PUGS, and as a certified Pug Whisperer, I think that means we’re destined to be. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Amy Childs Silly Big Tits in a Bikini of the Day

AJ Michalka’s Hot Ripped Bikini Body of the Day

Here is some Disney battered child star named Amanda, who goes by AJ, who had her childhood robbed of her for her parent’s personal gain at the tender age of 9, thanks to Disney execs….and who is now 21 and old enough to know the importance of fake tits saving shitty natural tits, thanks to Disney execs…she also know the importance of being fit….at least when it comes to posing in bikini pics for your fans who are probably all serious perverts….despite her weird Christian roots….that all these confused, tormented sluts are a product of….coupled with star star syndrome, prostituting at a young age, and a struggling career…makes her a prime candidate for me to fall in love with….

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AJ Michalka’s Hot Ripped Bikini Body of the Day

Bahati Prinsloo Bikini Beach Video of the Day

Since I don’t have the right to post the paparazzi pictures that are owned by 90 percent of the paparazzi agencies because the paparazzi are pretty much an organized crime ring of extortionists who like fucking people over for personal gain with inflated prices they make up of bitches who aren’t even the bitches they say they are in compromising positions…I am forced to post the video clips those same paparazzi agencies produce featuring the pics I want to post….and I’m starting to prefer it…you know cuz bikini pics are always better with some British poofter rambling on about nonsense that doesn’t matter….it makes the experience all that more three dimensional…. Either way, this may be Bahati a Victoria’s Secret model tanning between photoshoots…or it could be some random Miami bitch and really shit doesn’t matter.

Bahati Prinsloo Bikini Beach Video of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian Pregnant in a Bikini of the DAy

Do these little bottom feeding rats ever go away? I mean there are so many of them and they are all riding off their fat ass sister’s porn career…. thanks to Ryan Seacrest…in one of the best scams in the entertainment industry the last decade…. They don’t matter, they never mattered, they aren’t interesting, yet they are this money making machine of staged lies and exploiting themselves for personal gain…. And I don’t understand why they’d make the hotter one procreate, when the hotter one was the only hope they had…before the little ones got their periods… Either way, here she is pregnant in her bikini and apparently people care….I just will never figure out why…other than assume America is just a pile of trash. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kourtney Kardashian Pregnant in a Bikini of the DAy

Taylor Momsen Lingerie Concert Pics of the Day

As repetitive and annoying and phony as this cry for attention may be, Taylor Momsen is still a soon to be 18 year old girl, already whoring herself out for her personal gain, and it’d be pretty homosexual of me not to embrace it, love it and endorse it, cuz daddy issues are one of my favorite things, not that this is daddy issues, but instead just a serious need to get noticed, by getting naked, sexualizing herself and all at such a young age….is kinda inspiring…and never boring….if you know what I mean…which you do… My only concern is what happens when she turns 18 and no one cares anymore. Will she be like the underage stripper with fake ID I once got a lap dance from unknowingly, who is now a major pornstar, who prospered in her youthful sluttiness thanks to an early start…or will she get fat and fade away like so many molested by her dad, sexualized at a young age, lesbians before her…I guess time will tell..

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Taylor Momsen Lingerie Concert Pics of the Day