Tag Archives: marilyn-monoroe

Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Kylie Jenner is interesting….she proves that if you have the right level of stage mother, you know who really understands the market, how to make money as “spokesmodels” or personalities, and who grasps the vain narcissistic world that we live in, or that that family in particular live in, she’ll totally sign off on your tanning sessions, your lip injections, your implants, I mean hell she would have done it sooner if she didn’t have to wait until 16 to do it. That’s not to say that the chubbier and “edgier” Jenner, or as I like to call them Kardashian’s Part 2, who are the mother’s second wind of talent to exploit for personal gain and a tap on the back, while the grand kids have time to hit 13 before it is their turn….has had word done…she just looks like she has…and if a porn looking, made-up like it was Halloween on a Tuesday lookin’ reality star spin off isn’t your thing, than you’re crazy…because Kyle Jenner is amazing.

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Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Sienna Miller in a Magazine of the Day

Here’s Sienna Miller, who has clearly lost her edge, in a magazine posing “topless”…but not Sienna Miller who you probably were into in the mid-2000s, because she was hot, in a lot of movies, willing to get naked, before fading back to the UK where she dated Jude Law, Daniel Craig and made little UK babies, that you shouldn’t give a fuck about because #America. Like everyone else, in every business, who has seen any success, she was never all that hot, she was never all that talented, she was just positioned in the right way, and I guess I prefer the actresses who get naked to the ones who don’t, even if everything about them was inflated bullshit….but as far as I’m concered…getting naked in movies is all the talent a girl needs…and I guess Sienna Miller, baby momma, embodies that.

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Sienna Miller in a Magazine of the Day

Sahara Ray by Jai Photo of the Day

Her name is Sahara Ray, people like her, possibly because they find her hot, maybe because they find her talented but probably because she gets naked in photoshoots and people love naked in photoshoots, especially when that naked comes with big tits. I don’t know what these are for, I just know that they are shot by a photographer called JAI PHOTO and that if you look hard enough their is nipple… She’s an instagram celebrity, with half a million followers, which I guess makes her important enough to get work, since casting directors only care about that now, which is the same reason Tila Tequila got her own show…it’s like if you come up fast and easy from posting selfies…you may not have any level of sustainability due to a serious lack of substance…but then again, maybe your retard fans will buy anything you peddle and it’s enough to make a motherfucker rich…and I guess…that’s a good thing… Here are the pics..

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Sahara Ray by Jai Photo of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Does Marilyn Monroe of the DAy

South African, owned by Victoria’s Secret model, like on of the slaves on her farm back home, Candice Swanepoel, got done up as Marilyn Monoroe, and it is not even Halloween….making the whole thing creepy as fuck, because anytime I dress like a dead woman and it is not Halloween, people find it fucking weird…and I feel the same scrutiny should be applied to this import models…who I prefer when they are half naked…because that’s the whole reason they exist…or should be…because of the way they are built… But you Marilyn Monroe weirdo fans, who like her so much that they would dig her up and jerk off on her remains, probably like this kind of thing, or anything the resembles Marilyn Monroe, even though she’s been dead 100 years…

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Candice Swanepoel Does Marilyn Monroe of the DAy

Kelly Brook’s Hot Tits on the Cover of Fabulous Mag of the Day

Kelly Brook’s tits were shown off in a bra for some magazine I’ve never heard of…..and I liked it…cuz big cleavage with a natural set of tits is one of life’s pleasures….all fertile and ready to feed a tribal village…just as soon as I’m done with them…kinda thing….ideally the lactation comes from before the miscarriage….cuz I’m not ready to be a father…I’m more of a stepfather….and none of that matters…cuz there are tits to be stared at…. Now here’s a hot instagram picture of Kelly Brook in some amazing leather leotard…and thigh high athletic socks…like she’s not in her mid 30s…like she didn’t just have a miscarriage/abortion while showing us her pussy lip ….like she is at her peak and is going to ride that out as hard as she can…while I watch…cuz this kinda shit is erotic to me….mainly cuz her leotard touches her pussy, asshole, tities all at once…amazing…

Continued here:
Kelly Brook’s Hot Tits on the Cover of Fabulous Mag of the Day

Madonna and Nicki Minaj Trying to be Sexy in a Stupid New Video of the Day

Madonna’s showing off her body and still pretending she’s Marilyn Monoroe cuz she’s pretty much old enough to be Marilyn Monroe…you know she’s got to that stage of her senior citizenship where it doesn’t matter if she’s 60 or 140….she’s not hot…or erotic…and even in little clothes we know her body is drooping, practically dripping off her….vagina lips flapping in the wind….but here’s her pre-Superbowl….Football inspired…video with Nicki Minaj’s big tits to give her appeal to the youth and M.I.A to keep it hip….making them her cheerleaders to make her seem above them….because the timing is right, she’s in the media…she’s an empire..this is money making..and I’m posting cuz I appreciate all whores trying to be sexy …especially when they are historically known for being sluts…even scandalous sex icons in the 80s….cuz it shows they have trouble letting go…they’re a little pathetic…but grannies in panties are hysterical…..enjoy…

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Madonna and Nicki Minaj Trying to be Sexy in a Stupid New Video of the Day