Sienna Miller is rocking some bikini for Jude Law who I think she’s still fucking, because from what I remember they were the same person, used for the same reason, basically being the british actors in American films with bad American accents and blond hair, getting paid so that they can finance their sexual and cocaine addiction. I always liked Sienna Miller, not so much as an actress but as a getting naked in movies kind of actress who knew that despite being very famous, you still don’t turn your back on the opportunity to show your tits, especially if you’re getting paid, so that you keep getting paid…but I guess being rich has made her soft in more ways than one, cuz there are no tits being flashed here…no acting work being acted…just a mom in a bikini on a boat living off the scam she pulled off in her 20s…a scam I appreciate. TO SEE ThE RESt OF the PICs CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sienna Miller Bikini of the Day appeared first on .
Earlier today I wrote that all these old time actors and models who you could tell were whores, that navigated the world before social media and managed to make it – due to being whores….who only exist from being whores…are now given the power of the social media content production where they can produce their own content and give you a glimpse into themselves which as you’d expect is sexualized as fuck…because that’s how they go through life.. They think they are hot, they tell the world they are hot, they post what they think are hot pics, they are narcissists.. It’s all in good fun, nothing wrong with spreading your legs for social media, bring it on…but it’s nice to have all my theories on these harlots validated through their own content they produce…. Thanks social media for giving me a taste of Liz Hurley’s exhibitionism like I’m some producer she’s taking a meeting with back in 1993…
I still have a place for her in my heart, because I remember her as the girl in movies who played the hot British chick that was willing to get naked….that was always naked…who you know only got the roles because of her level of casting couch performances…. I used to find her the hottest actress in the movies, not just because she showed bush, but maybe because she showed bush, I just knew if she was cast in something, there was bound to be bush. This was the era of renting videos based on their nudity rating, because we didn’t have internet and that was our porn that wasn’t porn. It’s the reason I got into indy movies in the first place, shit like Doom Generation by Greg Araki, where Rose McGowan’s huge tits were exposed in her first movie role was rented strictly because of the “nudity” rating…which I guess may be the reason I do this retarded fucking site…which I guess is more than Sienna Miller does these days, which isn’t saying much….but it is saying that girl pulled a proper scam and is sitting on a pile of money and the only damage she’s got to show about it…the only wear and tear is the fact that her pussy is banged out so big it eats her pants…. NOT A BAD TRADE OFF AT ALL….
When I look at girls like this, I remind myself that they are human and likely shit, and for some reason, I reason I call “never accepting the fact women shit”…no matter how immature it may be…it makes me disgusted by them…but the problem is that disgusted by chicks or not…I’d still fuck them so it’s this confused internal struggle I have…and believe I’ll get through…just not likely alive… When I look at Sienna Miller I remember a British actress who got a lot of work a long time ago….and who I really liked, thought was hot and believe in her bush…. Those times are long gone..but she’s still trying to pull out nipple…and that’s alright…except for the whole NOT PULLING OUT NIPPLE…
Just over a year ago, Emilia Clarke appeared on Conan and made a plea for Game of Thrones to FREE THE PENIS ! Alas, the epic HBO drama still depicts more female nudity than male nudity on a regular basis. But at least Clarke can sleep well at night, knowing she did her best to help women around the world out a bit. In an interview with the latest issue of Rolling Stone, meanwhile, the actress said it took her awhile to realize just what sort of effect her gender has had on her life since since she struck it big. Men all over the Internet may search for Emilia Clarke nude photos because they’re young and horny, while fans of this series may joke about how many times they’ve seen Clarke topless… … but the star sort of woke up one day and realized that sexism is alive and not very well. “You’re aware of it, and you’re aware of it, but one day, you go, ‘Oh, my God, it’s everywhere!’ Like you suddenly wake up to it and you go, ‘Wait a fucking second, are you . . . are you treating me different because I’ve got a pair of tits? Is that actually happening?'” she says to Rolling Stone, adding: “It took me a really long time to see that I do get treated differently. But I look around, and that’s my daily life.” Clarke is aware she’s fortunate. She’s aware that she was named Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive in 2015 and that her looks have helped to further her career. But she still has an important message to send: “It doesn’t stop me from being a feminist. Like, guess what? “Yes, I’ve got mascara on, and I also have a high IQ, so those two things can be one and the same.” As Game of Thrones embarks on its final two seasons (yes, EVER !), Clarke’s character is finally setting sail for Westeros. She is finally taking the climactic steps toward the Iron Throne, following many years of being one of the biggest female bad asses on television. “Women have been great rulers,” she says of her role and the challenging world in which she’s acting these days. “And then for that to be a character that I’m known to play? That’s so f-cking lucky. Anyone who seems to think that it’s not needed need only look at the political environment we’re all living in to be like, ‘Oh, no, it’s needed. “It is needed.” It really is. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Season 7 Photos Are Here! And while we do care a lot about feminism and politics and equality and strong women, we need to know from Clarke: Can she reveal any Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers ? “Spoiler alert – I normally don’t spend very much time in Belfast, but this last season I spent a little more time there,” she teases. “It’s a really interesting season in terms of some loose ends that have been tied, some really satisfying plot points, some things where you’re like, ‘Oh, my God. I forgot about that!’ “Rumors are going to be confirmed or denied.” One rumor going around if that a Game of Thrones spinoff (or four Games of Thrones spinoffs ) is in the works. This may be the case, but don’t expect to see Clarke as Daenerys Targaryes in any of them. “I am doing one more season. And then that’ll be it,” she says to Rolling Stone. We get it. We get that Clarke likely wants to spread her wings and try something else. We’re just going to miss Emilia Clarke, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains… Talker ‘Bout Boobies. We’re gonna miss her a lot.
Just over a year ago, Emilia Clarke appeared on Conan and made a plea for Game of Thrones to FREE THE PENIS ! Alas, the epic HBO drama still depicts more female nudity than male nudity on a regular basis. But at least Clarke can sleep well at night, knowing she did her best to help women around the world out a bit. In an interview with the latest issue of Rolling Stone, meanwhile, the actress said it took her awhile to realize just what sort of effect her gender has had on her life since since she struck it big. Men all over the Internet may search for Emilia Clarke nude photos because they’re young and horny, while fans of this series may joke about how many times they’ve seen Clarke topless… … but the star sort of woke up one day and realized that sexism is alive and not very well. “You’re aware of it, and you’re aware of it, but one day, you go, ‘Oh, my God, it’s everywhere!’ Like you suddenly wake up to it and you go, ‘Wait a fucking second, are you . . . are you treating me different because I’ve got a pair of tits? Is that actually happening?'” she says to Rolling Stone, adding: “It took me a really long time to see that I do get treated differently. But I look around, and that’s my daily life.” Clarke is aware she’s fortunate. She’s aware that she was named Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive in 2015 and that her looks have helped to further her career. But she still has an important message to send: “It doesn’t stop me from being a feminist. Like, guess what? “Yes, I’ve got mascara on, and I also have a high IQ, so those two things can be one and the same.” As Game of Thrones embarks on its final two seasons (yes, EVER !), Clarke’s character is finally setting sail for Westeros. She is finally taking the climactic steps toward the Iron Throne, following many years of being one of the biggest female bad asses on television. “Women have been great rulers,” she says of her role and the challenging world in which she’s acting these days. “And then for that to be a character that I’m known to play? That’s so f-cking lucky. Anyone who seems to think that it’s not needed need only look at the political environment we’re all living in to be like, ‘Oh, no, it’s needed. “It is needed.” It really is. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Season 7 Photos Are Here! And while we do care a lot about feminism and politics and equality and strong women, we need to know from Clarke: Can she reveal any Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers ? “Spoiler alert – I normally don’t spend very much time in Belfast, but this last season I spent a little more time there,” she teases. “It’s a really interesting season in terms of some loose ends that have been tied, some really satisfying plot points, some things where you’re like, ‘Oh, my God. I forgot about that!’ “Rumors are going to be confirmed or denied.” One rumor going around if that a Game of Thrones spinoff (or four Games of Thrones spinoffs ) is in the works. This may be the case, but don’t expect to see Clarke as Daenerys Targaryes in any of them. “I am doing one more season. And then that’ll be it,” she says to Rolling Stone. We get it. We get that Clarke likely wants to spread her wings and try something else. We’re just going to miss Emilia Clarke, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains… Talker ‘Bout Boobies. We’re gonna miss her a lot.
Remember when Bethenny Frankel said that Jason Hoppy was torturing her , and that her life was hell because of it? Obviously, there were bits of hyperbole thrown in there, but apparently she was super serious about parts of that. Serious enough that ex Jason Hoppy’s had to make another court appearance. This is actually pretty alarming. Remember how Bethenny Frankel was granted a restraining order early this year after Jason Hoppy’s arrest for stalking her ? We sure do. You know that they sure do. Well, now Jason Hoppy’s facing new charges of stalking in the third and fourth degrees . Now, we looked up exactly what those charges mean according to New York State law (so that you don’t have to). Fourth degree stalking has a few definitions, but this is the one that we think applies here: “Conduct consists of following, telephoning, or initiating communication or contact with such person, a member of such person’s immediate family or a third party with whom such person is acquainted, and the actor was previously clearly informed to cease that conduct.” Apparently Frankel’s attorney provided the court with documents, including 160 unwanted texts from Hoppy. That’s more unwanted texts than there were first-generation Pokemon, folks. Third degree stalking is a little more complicated, because a lot of it has to do with prior acts of fourth degree stalking as precedents. But third degree stalking could also mean taking action that might make Bethenny fear for her safety. Look, Bethenny Frankel says dumb things sometimes , mostly because she forgets that things that don’t impact her at all can be life-and-death for others. But that doesn’t mean that she deserves to be harassed, hounded, and stalked. Jason Hoppy’s vow to destroy Bethenny Frankel is honestly pretty terrifying. Like, that kind of line is dramatic and a little goofy on soap operas. In real life, like … that can mean everything from a harmless feud to the kind of obsessive hatred that ends in a murder-suicide. Nobody needs that in their lives. Unfortunately, stalking is a hugely common problem. New York and LA have laws in place that cover these situations much better than some places. All over the country, a lot of women deal with threats of violence that they receive online from people whom they’ve never met. Unfortunately, many police departments don’t know what to do about that, many law codes haven’t been updated to cover physical threats made online. And a lot of women don’t have the resources to protect themselves or pursue restraining orders. But just because Bethenny Frankel is a woman of means doesn’t mean that she’s impervious to harm. Harassment is a very real crime that can impact just about anyone. And, honestly, if there are threats of harm involved in these recent charges, those should be taken seriously, too. Just because Jason Hoppy isn’t an axe murderer doesn’t mean that his words should just be brushed off as “talk.” A lot of horrible acts start off as “talk.” Threats and harassment are not the way to handle your divorce, folks. And we totally get why Bethenny’s describes her experience as “torture.” Whatever Jason Hoppy’s alleged actions that led to these charges, she might have some very real and very understandable fears. That’s what the legal system’s supposed to be there for. Let’s hope that this gets resolved in court.
Remember when Bethenny Frankel said that Jason Hoppy was torturing her , and that her life was hell because of it? Obviously, there were bits of hyperbole thrown in there, but apparently she was super serious about parts of that. Serious enough that ex Jason Hoppy’s had to make another court appearance. This is actually pretty alarming. Remember how Bethenny Frankel was granted a restraining order early this year after Jason Hoppy’s arrest for stalking her ? We sure do. You know that they sure do. Well, now Jason Hoppy’s facing new charges of stalking in the third and fourth degrees . Now, we looked up exactly what those charges mean according to New York State law (so that you don’t have to). Fourth degree stalking has a few definitions, but this is the one that we think applies here: “Conduct consists of following, telephoning, or initiating communication or contact with such person, a member of such person’s immediate family or a third party with whom such person is acquainted, and the actor was previously clearly informed to cease that conduct.” Apparently Frankel’s attorney provided the court with documents, including 160 unwanted texts from Hoppy. That’s more unwanted texts than there were first-generation Pokemon, folks. Third degree stalking is a little more complicated, because a lot of it has to do with prior acts of fourth degree stalking as precedents. But third degree stalking could also mean taking action that might make Bethenny fear for her safety. Look, Bethenny Frankel says dumb things sometimes , mostly because she forgets that things that don’t impact her at all can be life-and-death for others. But that doesn’t mean that she deserves to be harassed, hounded, and stalked. Jason Hoppy’s vow to destroy Bethenny Frankel is honestly pretty terrifying. Like, that kind of line is dramatic and a little goofy on soap operas. In real life, like … that can mean everything from a harmless feud to the kind of obsessive hatred that ends in a murder-suicide. Nobody needs that in their lives. Unfortunately, stalking is a hugely common problem. New York and LA have laws in place that cover these situations much better than some places. All over the country, a lot of women deal with threats of violence that they receive online from people whom they’ve never met. Unfortunately, many police departments don’t know what to do about that, many law codes haven’t been updated to cover physical threats made online. And a lot of women don’t have the resources to protect themselves or pursue restraining orders. But just because Bethenny Frankel is a woman of means doesn’t mean that she’s impervious to harm. Harassment is a very real crime that can impact just about anyone. And, honestly, if there are threats of harm involved in these recent charges, those should be taken seriously, too. Just because Jason Hoppy isn’t an axe murderer doesn’t mean that his words should just be brushed off as “talk.” A lot of horrible acts start off as “talk.” Threats and harassment are not the way to handle your divorce, folks. And we totally get why Bethenny’s describes her experience as “torture.” Whatever Jason Hoppy’s alleged actions that led to these charges, she might have some very real and very understandable fears. That’s what the legal system’s supposed to be there for. Let’s hope that this gets resolved in court.
Sienna Miller may have never achieved household name as an actress, but if you toss out the male-female double standard and give credit where its due for bedding the best and brightest A-listers, then Sienna is a living legend. Yes, the official list now goes: Chamberlain, Nicholson, Brando, McQueen, Hefner … Miller. Actually, there are two Millers, because Arthur Miller deserves utmost props for banging Marilyn Monroe as a playwright. Anyway, Sienna has conducted high-profile relationships with Jude Law, Tom Sturridge, and Balthazar Getty (who was married at the time, but we’re not here to judge). Back in late 2015/early 2016, it was rumored that Miller dated Ben Affleck following his split from Jennifer Garner. The two filmed Live By Night together, and sources say they really hit it off on set. But either the relationship fizzled or it never really began, because Ben and Sienna went their separate ways not long after they finished promoting the film. But it doesn’t really matter, because these days, Sienna’s got bigger fish to fry. In fact, she’s reportedly been getting cozy with the most coveted newly-single fish in the sea. According to UK tabloid The Sun (so take this with all the grains of salt), Sienna is dating Brad Pitt. Sources say they’re not flirting, not hooking up, not canoodling (whatever the hell that means), but full-blown dating. An insider tells the publication that Sienna is giddy with excitement, but keeping things under wraps for the sake of Brad’s privacy: “It’s early days, but they are very into each other and enjoying a carefree, casual summer romance,” says the source. “They’re both absolutely determined to keep everything under wraps. Their goal is to explore things without any massive publicity. It could all fizzle out, so they’re waiting to see.” It’s worth noting that multiple tabloids claimed Brad was getting back together with Jennifer Aniston like two days ago, so you really have to wait and see with these rumors. But Brad and Sienna would make a lot of sense. (Certainly more so than Brad and Jen, what with Jen being married and all.) View Slideshow: 13 Reasons to Be Glad You Never Slept With Brad Pitt And hey, even if Brad and Sienna only hooked up once, she’s still basically cemented her place as this generation’s most stone cold lady pimp. Feel free to proceed to the comments to inform us of how wildly offensive the term “lady pimp” is.
Sienna Miller may have never achieved household name as an actress, but if you toss out the male-female double standard and give credit where its due for bedding the best and brightest A-listers, then Sienna is a living legend. Yes, the official list now goes: Chamberlain, Nicholson, Brando, McQueen, Hefner … Miller. Actually, there are two Millers, because Arthur Miller deserves utmost props for banging Marilyn Monroe as a playwright. Anyway, Sienna has conducted high-profile relationships with Jude Law, Tom Sturridge, and Balthazar Getty (who was married at the time, but we’re not here to judge). Back in late 2015/early 2016, it was rumored that Miller dated Ben Affleck following his split from Jennifer Garner. The two filmed Live By Night together, and sources say they really hit it off on set. But either the relationship fizzled or it never really began, because Ben and Sienna went their separate ways not long after they finished promoting the film. But it doesn’t really matter, because these days, Sienna’s got bigger fish to fry. In fact, she’s reportedly been getting cozy with the most coveted newly-single fish in the sea. According to UK tabloid The Sun (so take this with all the grains of salt), Sienna is dating Brad Pitt. Sources say they’re not flirting, not hooking up, not canoodling (whatever the hell that means), but full-blown dating. An insider tells the publication that Sienna is giddy with excitement, but keeping things under wraps for the sake of Brad’s privacy: “It’s early days, but they are very into each other and enjoying a carefree, casual summer romance,” says the source. “They’re both absolutely determined to keep everything under wraps. Their goal is to explore things without any massive publicity. It could all fizzle out, so they’re waiting to see.” It’s worth noting that multiple tabloids claimed Brad was getting back together with Jennifer Aniston like two days ago, so you really have to wait and see with these rumors. But Brad and Sienna would make a lot of sense. (Certainly more so than Brad and Jen, what with Jen being married and all.) View Slideshow: 13 Reasons to Be Glad You Never Slept With Brad Pitt And hey, even if Brad and Sienna only hooked up once, she’s still basically cemented her place as this generation’s most stone cold lady pimp. Feel free to proceed to the comments to inform us of how wildly offensive the term “lady pimp” is.