Tag Archives: before-sending

Sienna Miller’s Fat Cameltoe of the Day

I still have a place for her in my heart, because I remember her as the girl in movies who played the hot British chick that was willing to get naked….that was always naked…who you know only got the roles because of her level of casting couch performances…. I used to find her the hottest actress in the movies, not just because she showed bush, but maybe because she showed bush, I just knew if she was cast in something, there was bound to be bush. This was the era of renting videos based on their nudity rating, because we didn’t have internet and that was our porn that wasn’t porn. It’s the reason I got into indy movies in the first place, shit like Doom Generation by Greg Araki, where Rose McGowan’s huge tits were exposed in her first movie role was rented strictly because of the “nudity” rating…which I guess may be the reason I do this retarded fucking site…which I guess is more than Sienna Miller does these days, which isn’t saying much….but it is saying that girl pulled a proper scam and is sitting on a pile of money and the only damage she’s got to show about it…the only wear and tear is the fact that her pussy is banged out so big it eats her pants…. NOT A BAD TRADE OFF AT ALL….

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Sienna Miller’s Fat Cameltoe of the Day

Slutty Sarah Hyland of the Day

For some reason I was googling who Sarah Hyland’s parents were when I was taking a painful hemorrhoid shit last night…and I discovered very fascinating things like that they are both actors…and that her dad was in so many iconic roles that Judge Ketchum on Boardwalk Empire….and the Cabbie in “See No Evil, Hear No Evil”….which I guess was enough to make a career out of it, to support his family for a while out of it, before sending his daughter to work when she was young – landing a hit TV show, living out his dreams… So here she is living out her dreams….for her social media…the place where you get a glimpse of her and realize she’s fucking weird especially in her exhibitionism…

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Slutty Sarah Hyland of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz Bikini in the Domincan of the Day

Plastic Surgeon daughter Chloe Grace Moretz who has a freaky pervert creeper fan base of her own – despite not being hot – or taking advantage of some of the dad’s services – unless of course this is after her built her in his operating room – before sending her off with her brother to make the family proud in movies…. But she’s at the beach jumping, like some clunky ballerina, all these girls are trained ballerina’s it’s part of the parents trying to prostitute them…. THIS probably ISN’T a fetish in and of itself, which doesn’t really apply to Chloe Grace because she’s a fetish in and of herself, guys are just into her for her action / comic book character role, and nerds are consistent in their obsessions…so anything she does, even if she’s average level hot, is enough for them…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Chloe Grace Moretz Bikini in the Domincan of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chloe Grace Moretz Bikini in the Domincan of the Day

Miley Cyrus Drug Overdose of the Day

Miley Cyrus was hospitalized. The reason was a bad reaction to antibiotics she was taking due to a vaginal infection she got from her pants being jacked up her cunt so hard that it got infected….that has left her in the hospital for another night, because that’s not what happens when you have an allergic reaction to anything, they just epipen you and wait a few hours before sending you home. I like to think that it was an attempted suicide, or a heart attack from some drug overdose, or anorexia…that probably should have left her dead, but that didn’t because she’s strategic and has a team around her that won’t let her die, even if she wants to because she makes them too much money. I know that whatever reports we are reading, are all lies, she’s likely not even the one tweeting, they just have a college marketing grad who they pay to write “retarded”…a craft that is funnier than hearing her hick, many voice… All this to say, who care, she’s better off dead, she offers no good to the world, and has done all she needs to do here…and it’s all fading into obscurity from here… All so tragic…TO SEE THE HER SLUTTY CONCERT PICTURES CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus Drug Overdose of the Day

Late Night Eotica of the Day

I want to sing love songs and choreograph dances Backstreet Boy for Tiffany I don’t know much about Tiffany, other than that I love her…and that I KNOW I CAN SEE HER HAVE HARDCORE SEX …which would be upsetting if a href=”http://x-art.com/models/tiffany” target=”_blank”> Tiffany was my girlfriend, but she’s just the girl I am in love with and who I get to see perform before sending her flowers and love letters… She’s good…

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Late Night Eotica of the Day

Late Night Eotica of the Day

I want to sing love songs and choreograph dances Backstreet Boy for Tiffany I don’t know much about Tiffany, other than that I love her…and that I KNOW I CAN SEE HER HAVE HARDCORE SEX …which would be upsetting if a href=”http://x-art.com/models/tiffany” target=”_blank”> Tiffany was my girlfriend, but she’s just the girl I am in love with and who I get to see perform before sending her flowers and love letters… She’s good…

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Late Night Eotica of the Day