Tag Archives: pretending-she

Bella Thorne’s Money Shot In A Bikini

Bella Thorne is a genius when it comes to social media whoring. She does the same sh%t daily and each and every time she manages to get me to post her crap. Here she is pretending she’s on the receiving end of a money shot while showering in a bikini. Brilliant!              

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Bella Thorne’s Money Shot In A Bikini

Nicki Minaj Grabbing her Tits of the Day

Nicki Minaj posted this shit on Instagram today, before going crazy about

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Nicki Minaj Grabbing her Tits of the Day

Jayne Mansfield with Sophia Loren 1957 Nipple Slip of the Day

In 1957 – nip slips happened. This is some Throwback Tuesday Nip Slip shit. You know back when Nip Slips mattered. In images you’d imagine her team paid off many people to not leak because the 50s weren’t so much a free the nipple in public, that was more for the heroin soaked cocktail parties behind closed doors – while their public images was kept relatively meticulous… As someone who has been Chronicling nipple slips since 2004 – this vintage shit speaks to me – and that is why I am posting it….

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Jayne Mansfield with Sophia Loren 1957 Nipple Slip of the Day

Don’t’ Look At Jennfifer Lawrence Braless You Perpetuate Sex Abuse of the Day

#457166638 / gettyimages.com I find it interesting – that Jennifer Lawrence made some bogus statement to Conde Nast, about how the people (Conde Nast) who made money off of her nudes – are sex offenders and that they were private property and not leaked as part of any campaign to toughen up her image….but more interestingly, that anyone who looked at her tits, which were awesome by the way, are sex offenders for perpetuating this behavior, instead of taking ownership on “Hey, I take nudes, I am a narcissist, and I want people to see my nudes, just not my fans, because I just use them for money and don’t feel they have right to get in on my sexting”…it’s like instead of saying “If you take nudes expect them seen”…she said “if you nudes get leaked – everyone who looks is a sex offender”… Anyway, we all know it was a PR initiative – and that she doesn’t actually believe it – because this is her second or third bra-less appearance since “The Fappening” made her cool again – and you’d think a girl who offends rape victims by relating to them in her “nude scandal”…you know pretending she too was raped and traumatized by the ordeal because it looks good for her case against google, when really she doesn’t give a fuck and if she did – she’d probably be in a turtleneck. All this to say, celebrities are full of shit…. #457166626 / gettyimages.com #457166624 / gettyimages.com #457166608 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Don’t’ Look At Jennfifer Lawrence Braless You Perpetuate Sex Abuse of the Day

Kendall Jenner Wears Shorts of the Day

Kendall Jenner wore shorts her vagina was probably not quite designed for, as it looks like it’s eating them up, in this cameltoe picture….but then you have to remember she is a kardashian, without being a Kardashian genetically, but a Kardashian, because all that is horrible about the Kardashian’s stems from the mom they share… That said this rocking a cameltoe is probably one of their “etiquette” lessons they learned at the finishing school their mom staged in their garage, because they are classy like that, and more importantly, because the mom knows how to manipulate the media via slut behavior…the cameltoe is so easy to play off as unintentional and just being big vagina-ed in tight shorts….without admitting to jacking that shit up so hard the world knows what’s going on… Either way, I think it’s cute, but in a rodent in your kids bedroom kind of way, it’s like rid this thing from the world, get it out of my fucking house, even if it’s ok to look at running on its hamster wheel making stupid rodent faces, or in her case, CAMELTOES…at least she makes something… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kendall Jenner Wears Shorts of the Day

Jennifer Lopez Slutty in Elle UK of the Day

I wonder if J.Lo will ever realize that she’s a bit too old to be spreading her bikini panty ass in magazines…no matter how fit, or how many hispanic people still think she’s the greatest thing to crawl out of the Bronx, or wherever she’s from to achieve international success, in part due to the loyalty of the hispanic community, who accepted her and will never let her die, kind of like what they did with Jesus and the Catholic church…it’s like get over it already you taco eating freaks…the more you encourage it, the weirder it gets…..and I think this ass pic is just out of context and fucking weird…but not as weird as her promo video for her song BOOTY…I mean this is a mom and divorcee…what the hell is going on here…scared to retire and count her money, scared to age, addicted to the positive reinforcement… Weird…but here she is being the BOTOX MONSTER in Elle UK …

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Jennifer Lopez Slutty in Elle UK of the Day

Nicki Minaj Teaches Models How to Anaconda of the Day

Nicki Minaj historically has the most ghetto fucking instagram. I guess that’s her way of pretending she’s not the whitest motherfucker in the room at every hip hop show, because this whole pretending she’s a black rapper is working for her…white girls fucking love it. But I’ve been following her for a while, the pics are always shit, the way they use it shit, and I’m like doesn’t she have a team to handle this properly… I guess she got the message, because during fashion week, she put together this video of models learning her stupid song and dance…and as someone who loves models…I totally approve of this behavior or at least of this kind of viral instagram…it’s her best work..and despite her shitty song…models trying to twerk…is magical…so this is officially the one thing of value Nicki has done in the world…

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Nicki Minaj Teaches Models How to Anaconda of the Day

Adriana Lima’s Sexy Signature Blowing A Kiss Pose

I’ve done a lot of posts on Adriana Lima over the years, which shouldn’t really surprise anybody with a working set of eyes, but lately, I’ve started to notice she’s got a signature pose she always does: blowing a kiss to the cameras. It’s kind of like Miley and her tongue action . Anyway, after spending a couple hours drooling over old pictures of her “analyzing years of data,” I’m pretty sure Adriana has been trying to send me a secret message that she loves me all this time. But I guess there’s only one way to tell: I’ll need another sign. You know, like Adriana ignoring me completely and pretending she doesn’t even know I exist. So far, so good. » view all 11 photos Photos: Fameflynet

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Adriana Lima’s Sexy Signature Blowing A Kiss Pose

Apparently this is Dakota Fanning’s Ass of the Day

Dakota Fanning is no longer the 7 year old creepy kid who was pretending she was in her mid 40s… Now she’s over 18, but her ass is pretending it is in her mid 40s…. At least that is what I am seeing here…from a movie called Very Good girls….that did some film festival run and that is now hitting select theatres in what I assume is her big “I’m a real actor, this is a real movie, with a good story, to maintain some credibility” script… Here’s the trailer, even though her ass

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Apparently this is Dakota Fanning’s Ass of the Day

Apparently this is Dakota Fanning’s Ass of the Day

Dakota Fanning is no longer the 7 year old creepy kid who was pretending she was in her mid 40s… Now she’s over 18, but her ass is pretending it is in her mid 40s…. At least that is what I am seeing here…from a movie called Very Good girls….that did some film festival run and that is now hitting select theatres in what I assume is her big “I’m a real actor, this is a real movie, with a good story, to maintain some credibility” script… Here’s the trailer, even though her ass

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Apparently this is Dakota Fanning’s Ass of the Day