Tag Archives: free-the-nipple

Hanalei Reponty Topless Surfer of the Day

Hanalei Reponty is a “free surfer” and bikini model…who has a long, lean and hot body that is capitalizing on the whole surfer thing, since being a surfer is a big deal right now, and the whole girls don’t have to surf competitively, they just have to be able to get up on a board or carry a board for an excuse to be in a bikini for people like me to say “look at the surfer”…since the majority of the world have never seen the ocean and if they have it was probably on some resort where they were drunk pissing in the pool for most of the time…cuz that’s where the bikinis were and we never see enough bikini… Hanalei Reponty is obviously also the kind of girl who thinks she’s hot, or knows she’s hot, and is getting naked with that hot skinny body…or topless…because free the nipple…she’s a surfer no need to be all uptight and not topless…you know at one with the sea or some shit… Apparently these are old, but who needs new when a tit is out…even if that tit is on a man faced girl…cuz we don’t realize she’s man faced…when the tit is out.. The post Hanalei Reponty Topless Surfer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hanalei Reponty Topless Surfer of the Day

Chanel West Coast See Through Bra Flashing her Nipples of the Day

Chanel West Coast is trash Chanel West Coast barely exists. I mean she is zero on the relevance scale and if she’s not a rich kid pretending to be a gutter hip hop girl…she’s probably the kind of girl you can book to play your birthday party in your hotel room without her band…and without your party….you know just paid to be spread eagled while you stick it in her for 500-100 dollars…to live out your ROB AND BIG FANTASY FACTORY fetish… She is not interesting, she does not matter, but she puts out slutty pics, has millions of followers and I guess that makes her matter… As it turns out, the crafted by MTV trash that this is, is back on MTV because they are good to their own and use the same people over and over again, despite there being new talent out there, so if anything she’s just lucky that her John is MTV, so that she can maintain whatever the fuck slutty this is. I do appreciate the see through bra though, free the nipple, tease with the nipple, whether people care there are nipples or not, I’ll still see them for the cheap marketing tactics they are. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Chanel West Coast See Through Bra Flashing her Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chanel West Coast See Through Bra Flashing her Nipples of the Day

Ashley Benson Fat Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Ashley Benson has big tits for America… THey are in a bikini top looking great for America…. Because America allowed her to become a rich and famous as hell twat…despite no one actually knowing who she is…because her show doesn’t target my demographic of creepy old man pervert who prefers sitting at the park…but maybe if I had some foresight, I could watch her show to have something to chat with the young eighteen year old girls I watch tan, you know a little “How about that Pretty Little Liars shit, You have way better tits than Ashley Benson”…to which her dad or daddy or whovever that older guy next to her is…will take offense and try to fight me…good thing I know how to pull out my dick and start pissing when I face adversity… that’s my MMA or concealed weapon….toxic HIV positive HEP urine all in your FACE jerks… The post Ashley Benson Fat Tits in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ashley Benson Fat Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Naked for America of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is showing her ass for the internet or for America on the Fourth of July because without America and American consumerism she wouldn’t be anything, she’d be a a zero, she needs a billion dollar need for cheap sweatshop panties at the mall brand to exist…so this is her thanks… She may be American by now, maybe just a green card holder, who knows but AMerica made her and here’s her ass without the asshole to thank you…classy Brazilian hookers are fun besides that AIDS.. The post Alessandra Ambrosio Naked for America of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Alessandra Ambrosio Naked for America of the Day

Shay Mitchell Topless of the Day

Shay Mitchell has made the move to topless for the paparazzi young starlet from Pretty Little Liars or whatever the fuck she’s in…straight from Rich Kid Canada…ethnically ambigious and a clever marketer who realizes how to leverage that fuck out of her celebrity… This is like a right of passage, free the nipple, take it to the next level and hey they are just tits tits she wants you to see….big deal….for everyone involved.. Sometimes tits are a little too natural…if you know what I mean….and if you don’t…check out this toplessness on the nude beach of Mykonos…where’s the pussy lips though? The post Shay Mitchell Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Shay Mitchell Topless of the Day

Nipple Video of the Day

Sometimes, we just need to watch a video by a girl about her pierced nipples to really understand the meaning of life, art, humanity, existence, the plight of the feminist woman, and body modification as a commentary to one’s self expression… You know, the whole free the nipple to desexualize the nipple and protest American establishments like FACEBOOK that ban the nipple, and make the nipple feel like it is some sort of freakish second rate citizen that deserves to be left in the basement…. I know, you are so progressive as a person that you don’t see these nipples, but rather just the cross tattoo on her wrist you are trying to understand. Is she religious, or is it a tribute to a priest that raped her, or maybe a tribute to a dead relative…or maybe it’s ironic…we can just never quite tell.. The post Nipple Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nipple Video of the Day

Francesca Eastwood See Through Shirt of the Day

Francesca Eastwood has some great implants…not because they look good, they are like shitty bolt ons you’d expect some gutter hooker to have got at discount from someone who isn’t even a doctor, but rather a barber with a breast implant fetish – who has studied the process of giving breast implants and is familiar with sharp objects….but isn’t quite ready for a medical procedure despite how many times he’s tried on the puppies he gets at the shelter….. I PREFER WHEN FRANCESCA EASTWOOD TITS ARE EXPOSED… What I am saying is that I like Francesca Eastwood, but as the daughter of CLINT, a super rich Hollywood icon, who’s been around since before movies had sound, you’d expect her trust fund to be a little more substantial…where she could at least get the tear drop titty… I think she’s got potential, but unfortunately, she didn’t believe in her little tits, and did this to herself…BUT THE GOOD NEWS is like all sluts with implants, she’s managed fall in love with her tits, she went through so much for them, and she is showing them to the world….like a good girl should…for a free the nipple style magic….it’s empowering… The post Francesca Eastwood See Through Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Francesca Eastwood See Through Shirt of the Day

Bella Thorne in Black Face of the Day

THAT ACNE FACED / POCK FACED / GINGER FRECKLE FACED racist….all in black face cultural appropriating black America while trying to get LIKES and follows to increase her fame and profile…WEIRD… All running her minstrel show….all in black face like she’s Al Johnston…in black face…Unless she’s in Orange Face doing the Donald Trump…. Whatever it is, it looks like she was just jerked off on by 12 fucking Orange Julius employees….who have been living off the shit for years…if that’s a thing? I mean I couldn’t think of anything orange…that would cum orange…like her hair…. I kind of like whatever this lubricated face weirdness is – because it’s not a “look how hot my hot ass is cuz I am young and it’s hot”…pic…mixing it up… The post Bella Thorne in Black Face of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne in Black Face of the Day

Camilla Marrone See through of the Day

Camilla Marrone is lucky her dad or stepdad is Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino, all those motherfuckers are the same to me, because without that stamp of approval, I doubt her horse head would be invited to any event red carpet where she walks like she’s a legit celebrity – thanks to doing one movie…and a few slutty instagram pics…hanging out with more popular girls that her and going to events with her nipples out…because free the nipple is a political movement…I call crying for attention – cuz we love nipples…on big tits…trying to be famous…with famous stepfathers…which as a drunkenstepfather speaks to my soul… The post Camilla Marrone See through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Camilla Marrone See through of the Day

Shay Mitchell’s On All Fours for SELF of the Day

Shay Mitchell is brat from Canada – who is ethnically ambiguous…from some rich neighborhood in Canada…who I guess had the resources and a dream to make this acting thing happen…where she ended up amazingly getting cast on some TV show that turned out to be a massive fucking success..that people loved…and that she got extremely famous on social media for being a part of it… She’s clever enough to have got involved in other businesses, other things, like travel blogging and publishing a series of teen books…because that’s how resourceful people who know the internet is a joke, but a place to get extra rich even if you’re already rich and so are your parents… Se’s in SELF magazine, which would probably be a huge magazine, if people bough magazines, thanks to the narcissism that’s everywhere…all they would need is to have a mirror or webcam to film the person looking at it to replay…and watch themselves….it’d be huge, relevant and save publishing….. Instead…they had Shay Mitchell pantless in dramatic poses… The post Shay Mitchell’s On All Fours for SELF of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shay Mitchell’s On All Fours for SELF of the Day