Tag Archives: nipple-slips

Jayne Mansfield with Sophia Loren 1957 Nipple Slip of the Day

In 1957 – nip slips happened. This is some Throwback Tuesday Nip Slip shit. You know back when Nip Slips mattered. In images you’d imagine her team paid off many people to not leak because the 50s weren’t so much a free the nipple in public, that was more for the heroin soaked cocktail parties behind closed doors – while their public images was kept relatively meticulous… As someone who has been Chronicling nipple slips since 2004 – this vintage shit speaks to me – and that is why I am posting it….

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Jayne Mansfield with Sophia Loren 1957 Nipple Slip of the Day

Sarah Silverman and Other Ugly Chicks Full Frontal Nudity in Take This Waltz of the Day

Seeing Sarah Silverman naked is one of the most unfortunate things that has happend to this site…possibly the most unfortunate things to have happened to the internet… You see one thing I hate is when ugly chicks are celebrated as hot, Sarah Silverman, being ugly, yet she was always on hot lists….at firt I wondered if I was the only one who saw a fat, shitty tit, ugly horse face cunt who isn’t even funny, but who is obvious….past her prime….and even her prime wasn’t prime in the grand scheme of things…just better than now…..even though now is the time she decided to get naked….what a mess…a mess her fans are hard about….horrible…. Michelle Williams and Jennifer Podemski are also naked in this movie….What kind of man hating lesbian who appreciates girls for their personalities cast this shit…. Here are the unfortunate clip: This just doesn’t make sense….and I can’t un-see it….but the good news is I like seeing all girls naked….even ones I fear… Here are the other 2 clips I’ve got….


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Sarah Silverman and Other Ugly Chicks Full Frontal Nudity in Take This Waltz of the Day

Kim Kardashian Nipple in Cannes of the Day

Kim Kardashian may be a garbage whore of a person…but the great thing about whores is that they do whore things…and without whores doing whore things….the world would be a very dull place….from Sex Tape to Rapper Pussy With a Fat Ass…To Nipple Slips all to make a dollar…..all whoring all the time…and I’ll keep watching….hoping one day, like all whores at their peak, it all crashes down in one big horrible drug overdose….because lets face it…garbage people…especially garbage whores…don’t deserve this attention or success…no whore…especially not a fat one…should be this powerful….even if I like seeing their horrible nipples. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian Nipple in Cannes of the Day

Selena Gomez Shows Off Some Boring Skin

Speaking of wholesome hotties, alright so we weren’t actually speaking about wholesome hotties, but I needed something to get this crap going. Here’s Selena Gomez out last night looking like the nice girl that she is. I’m bored. Where are the panty shots or nipple slips? This is not how you’re going to get ahead in this world. Flasjing some shoulder? This isn’t the eighteen hundreds, who gives a crap about a woman’s shoulder? #showusyourboobs

Ciara’s Shitty Nip Slip of the Day

I don’t know where these shitty nipple slip pictures are from, or if they are even legit. More importantly, I don’t even know if Ciara is a chick…I just figured I’d post them cuz someone emailed me and I felt so honored to get an email that I have no choice but to do what it says…I mean that coupled with the fact that I never get nipple pics anymore and the foundation of this site was not on freedom, or ethics, or strong moral value, but on nipple slips….so I have a very special place for them in my heart and on my site….even if they suck…like these ones do.

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Ciara’s Shitty Nip Slip of the Day

Elle Macpherson’s Nipple from her Arm Pit of the Day

If you read the site you will know a few things. First, it is a holiday in Canada so I drank until 6 am and I can’t see straight. Second that I have a relationship with Elle Macpherson, although one-sided and she doesn’t know I exist, but in 89 she made me cum more than my wife of 10 years and lastly that along with teen pussy, nipple slips through shirt armpits are the fetish of the year…so get to the coffee shop and look for bitches lifting their arms… These pics are a taste of heaven.

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Elle Macpherson’s Nipple from her Arm Pit of the Day