Tag Archives: keep-watching

Kate Moss Titties in a Helicopter of the Day

Kate Moss has tits, tits we’ve seen for fucking ever, pretty much since she started, nice long nipples you’d want to suck on like you were every dude who mattered in acting or music in the 90s and 00s who got to suck her tits, cuz she was that kind of girl…an icon people obsess over because she was so cool, caught doing coke at parties and owned it in an era where people hated admitting they did coke…. I don’t know why at 50 she’s flashing tits in a helicopter, but she is Kate Moss and has this cool factor that means she has no choice but to flash her tits to just remind people who and what Kate Moss is about…her not giving a fuck while giving a fuck hustle…clearly works…and here she is, I’ll keep watching her in action, I just wish there was more bush involved. The post Kate Moss Titties in a Helicopter of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Kate Moss Titties in a Helicopter of the Day

Selena Gomez Evil Dictator Cleavage of the Day

Selena Gomez was out wearing some evil dictator uniform…which I felt was appropriate because I am convinced she’s all kinds of evil….and a lot like a dictator because of her huge ego and arrogance she has in shoving her nonsense down all of our throats all of the time thanks to radio… At least she’s showing off what could be implants, or just puberty, now that the Peter Pan pills at the offices of Disney that created her are finally wearing off, while she does it all evil and manipulative..plotting her next million….or billion… For some reason, a reason I call perversion, I am ok with this behavior and I encourage more acting up and tantrums…rebellions and scenes, because everything is fucking boring and we always need some spice…or some Mexican to clean our house…. Here’s the video with possible nipple for the people into that kind of thing..you perverts TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Selena Gomez Evil Dictator Cleavage of the Day

Alyssa Milano Breast Feeds of the Day

I would say that no one remembers Alyssa Milano, because she barely mattered at her peak and she sure as hell doesn’t matter now, but the reality is that people are fucking weird and she’s one of those celebrities that will always have a core fan base of perverts who are really fucking into her, no matter how hairy her arms may be…and those people must be fucking dying now that she’s taken a stance to promote showing her tits in public like an exhibitionist, disguised as a breast feeding in public endorser, because it’s a basic animalistic thing to do, like fucking, which we don’t do in public as we’ve civilized as a people, yet that people should take a stance to do in public, because it’s only natural….and I like watching… All this to say, I am all for this progressive women who pull out their tits in public because I like tits….sucking them milk filled, or not…on a hairy animal looking woman or not…who is too old to be a new mom or not… Keep showing them tits for a cause…I’ll keep watching…which is more than I can say for anything she’s ever done…in fact this is pretty much her best work.

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Alyssa Milano Breast Feeds of the Day

Alyssa Milano Breast Feeds of the Day

I would say that no one remembers Alyssa Milano, because she barely mattered at her peak and she sure as hell doesn’t matter now, but the reality is that people are fucking weird and she’s one of those celebrities that will always have a core fan base of perverts who are really fucking into her, no matter how hairy her arms may be…and those people must be fucking dying now that she’s taken a stance to promote showing her tits in public like an exhibitionist, disguised as a breast feeding in public endorser, because it’s a basic animalistic thing to do, like fucking, which we don’t do in public as we’ve civilized as a people, yet that people should take a stance to do in public, because it’s only natural….and I like watching… All this to say, I am all for this progressive women who pull out their tits in public because I like tits….sucking them milk filled, or not…on a hairy animal looking woman or not…who is too old to be a new mom or not… Keep showing them tits for a cause…I’ll keep watching…which is more than I can say for anything she’s ever done…in fact this is pretty much her best work.

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Alyssa Milano Breast Feeds of the Day

Alex Vega Bikini Selfie of the Day

Alex Vega is Robert Rodriguez’s little muse. The tween he recruited for his Spy Kids movies, and I don’t think he’s done anything since. I will assume that like Polansky and really all the execs at Disney, everything that went on between them was WHOLESOME as fuck, you know respectful and non-sexual, because hollywood doesn’t have a history of being perverted, twisted, too rich to get punished, depraved freaks who go on sex tourist vacations in thailand where they watch or participate in youthful sex… I just know that she’s really into showing off her tits on instagram…that always stems from a well-rounded childhood…

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Alex Vega Bikini Selfie of the Day

Mathilde Gohler for TREATS Magazine of the Day

Mathilde Gøhler did this shoot for TREATS MAGAZINE … I don’t know anything about her, but she seems to be European and like all Europeans, she’s open to Nudity, and based on these pictures alone she’s pretty good at it, I guess since all nudity isn’t created equally, you need the girls who are better at it to star in the pictures of it, something the people at TREATS MAGAZINE , who you may know as Em Rata’s founding Fathers, have figured out… All this to say, Mathilde Gøhler, is the future…I’m not sure of what…but I am going to assume your masturbation….

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Mathilde Gohler for TREATS Magazine of the Day

Luma Groethe for Vogue Brasil of the Day

Vogue Brasil – just won. I mean, Vogue, being the iconic fashion publication, has clearly gone into the right direction of men’s magazine, which you’d think wasn’t the market they were looking for at all, but maybe fashion in Brazil is a pervert man’s game….because nothing about these amazing pics scream Vogue to me, they are more like Playboy or even Euro Lad Mag…but Vogue…weird…and I’m saying that as someone who has been jerking off to fashion since i was a kid, because fashion has always been clever enough to showcase nipple, just never quite like this… The models name is Luma Groethe…sounds like she’s totally American…which would explain why she’s so hot and not a 300 pound brickhouse like Kate Upton… I’m a fan.

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Luma Groethe for Vogue Brasil of the Day

Gisele for Under Armour of the Day

There’s nothing feminine or even erotic about Gisele punching the shit out of a punching bag for Under Armour… It makes me think that she’s just an angry dude who just got gay bashed after leaving the tranny bar…but that’s just because she’s always been on the fence of boy and girl…the grey area that is good for a pro athlete with Gay tendencies who doesn’t want to come out as gay to embrace and marry since she had a career as a lingerie model which aids the public image aspect…with a bit of a hard man face to aid in the wanting to fuck dude aspect of any public affair… But for some reason, I keep watching it, because deep down I know she’s not a dude, but a woman, who can probably kick my ass… I still think Under Armour should have gone with a pro Athlete, and not a pro overrated model, but whatever, I’m not their ad agency, I just probably should be.

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Gisele for Under Armour of the Day

Sarah Silverman and Other Ugly Chicks Full Frontal Nudity in Take This Waltz of the Day

Seeing Sarah Silverman naked is one of the most unfortunate things that has happend to this site…possibly the most unfortunate things to have happened to the internet… You see one thing I hate is when ugly chicks are celebrated as hot, Sarah Silverman, being ugly, yet she was always on hot lists….at firt I wondered if I was the only one who saw a fat, shitty tit, ugly horse face cunt who isn’t even funny, but who is obvious….past her prime….and even her prime wasn’t prime in the grand scheme of things…just better than now…..even though now is the time she decided to get naked….what a mess…a mess her fans are hard about….horrible…. Michelle Williams and Jennifer Podemski are also naked in this movie….What kind of man hating lesbian who appreciates girls for their personalities cast this shit…. Here are the unfortunate clip: This just doesn’t make sense….and I can’t un-see it….but the good news is I like seeing all girls naked….even ones I fear… Here are the other 2 clips I’ve got….


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Sarah Silverman and Other Ugly Chicks Full Frontal Nudity in Take This Waltz of the Day

Kim Kardashian Nipple in Cannes of the Day

Kim Kardashian may be a garbage whore of a person…but the great thing about whores is that they do whore things…and without whores doing whore things….the world would be a very dull place….from Sex Tape to Rapper Pussy With a Fat Ass…To Nipple Slips all to make a dollar…..all whoring all the time…and I’ll keep watching….hoping one day, like all whores at their peak, it all crashes down in one big horrible drug overdose….because lets face it…garbage people…especially garbage whores…don’t deserve this attention or success…no whore…especially not a fat one…should be this powerful….even if I like seeing their horrible nipples. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian Nipple in Cannes of the Day