Tag Archives: being-perverted

Hailey Clauson for Eberjay of the Day

Hailey Clauson got a job! Good for her. I’ve made fun of Sports Illustrated models for all being hookers who will fuck anyone who pays them explicitly or in the form of being their husbands or sugar daddies with more “romance” and subtlety, but the effect is generally the fucking same…. But Hailey Clauson is different, mainly because she’s been in this hipster model game for a long enough time, and most interestingly modeled provocatively when she was underage for some pervert brand – and sued them – settling and probably making enough money to never work again…all because the corporation was in the wrong, being perverted…and anyone who goes after evil corporations who exploit women for their gain – because there are girls thirsty enough to let them getaway with it – is someone I respect… not to mention rich girls are hot… So here she is posing in lingerie – no longer underage – because she’s about this life – and even when she was underage she was about this life – she was OK with this kind of behavior and posing….making her terrifying, you know cuz she’ll like it one day – until she sees opportunity – then she’ll act violated – or raped – only to actually do it again because she doesn’t actually feel violated or raped – she just wants the cash…. The post Hailey Clauson for Eberjay of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailey Clauson for Eberjay of the Day

Alex Vega Bikini Selfie of the Day

Alex Vega is Robert Rodriguez’s little muse. The tween he recruited for his Spy Kids movies, and I don’t think he’s done anything since. I will assume that like Polansky and really all the execs at Disney, everything that went on between them was WHOLESOME as fuck, you know respectful and non-sexual, because hollywood doesn’t have a history of being perverted, twisted, too rich to get punished, depraved freaks who go on sex tourist vacations in thailand where they watch or participate in youthful sex… I just know that she’s really into showing off her tits on instagram…that always stems from a well-rounded childhood…

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Alex Vega Bikini Selfie of the Day