Tag Archives: read-the-site

Minka Kelly Bikini of the Day

I know Minka Kelly is a legitimate name in acting, hollywood, bullshit…. But I can never place her, I just categorize her in Oliva Munn / Olivia Wilde/ and the other 40 year olds trying to prove they are still hot. I know that nerds love her, I see her name come up, but nerds love everything they see on TV or in their Nerd Shows, because they have no one to love in real life…. Meaning, I don’t take their opinion too seriously, even if it can make people exploiting their autism very rich…I’m not that dude. Instead I make fun of the girls you jerk off to and you hate me for it, while the cool people, the bullies like me don’t read the site cuz they are too busy not being nerds…so I should re-evaluate my strategy…not that I have one but Minka Kelly apparently does. The post Minka Kelly Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Minka Kelly Bikini of the Day

Heidi Montag Pregnant in Lingerie of the Day

Heidi Montag may no longer be relevant, her show has been off the air for a long time, she’s likely burned through most of her money, either on plastic surgery or crystals she was apparently addicted to, or maybe she’s set for life, ultimately who gives a fuck, I never even watched The Hills, I was just bombarded with all these idiots when it was on TV due to fake news, publicity stunts and MTV having once been relevant or influential…. Well, she’s pregnant in lingerie and that’s about as erotic as that gets.. The post Heidi Montag Pregnant in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Heidi Montag Pregnant in Lingerie of the Day

Heidi Montag Pregnant in Lingerie of the Day

Heidi Montag may no longer be relevant, her show has been off the air for a long time, she’s likely burned through most of her money, either on plastic surgery or crystals she was apparently addicted to, or maybe she’s set for life, ultimately who gives a fuck, I never even watched The Hills, I was just bombarded with all these idiots when it was on TV due to fake news, publicity stunts and MTV having once been relevant or influential…. Well, she’s pregnant in lingerie and that’s about as erotic as that gets.. The post Heidi Montag Pregnant in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Heidi Montag Pregnant in Lingerie of the Day

Lily Allen Titty on Snap of the Day

Weird, I was talking about Lily Allen the other day…I don’t know why, but I think it was with someone from the 90s who remembered who Lily Allen was, and I said, I wonder where Lily Allen is, not because I care, and not that I actually looked her up, because I forgot about her and that conversation soon after and I am only remembering it now that I am looking at her nipple…. I used to get a lot of hate mail back when people read the site about Lily Allen, because I wrote something about her miscarriage being an abortion or something like that…and women hate when you say a miscarriage is an abortion…it’s considered heartless and misogynistic, instead of a practical way to get rid of a kid you don’t want without pissing off all the anti abortion people… I don’t even remember my own joke, it was years ago but as it turns out – the stars have aligned and she flashed her nipple on snapchat and reminded how much I don’t give a fuck about Lily Allen The post Lily Allen Titty on Snap of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Allen Titty on Snap of the Day

Lily Allen Titty on Snap of the Day

Weird, I was talking about Lily Allen the other day…I don’t know why, but I think it was with someone from the 90s who remembered who Lily Allen was, and I said, I wonder where Lily Allen is, not because I care, and not that I actually looked her up, because I forgot about her and that conversation soon after and I am only remembering it now that I am looking at her nipple…. I used to get a lot of hate mail back when people read the site about Lily Allen, because I wrote something about her miscarriage being an abortion or something like that…and women hate when you say a miscarriage is an abortion…it’s considered heartless and misogynistic, instead of a practical way to get rid of a kid you don’t want without pissing off all the anti abortion people… I don’t even remember my own joke, it was years ago but as it turns out – the stars have aligned and she flashed her nipple on snapchat and reminded how much I don’t give a fuck about Lily Allen The post Lily Allen Titty on Snap of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Allen Titty on Snap of the Day

Marion Cotillard Pussy Grab from a Movie of the Day

I fucking love bush…seriously…if you read the site and you don’t…bush is my best friend. It is nature’s pillow that lives in the panty…it is magical and I love it all over my face…dripping with wetness. Bush is erotic, and the whole anti-bush movement, is some nazi regime against the pubic hair, where it is treated like the Jews in WWII, all waxed and lasered off in their own pubic hair gas chamber…why…to sell fucking products, to make girls feel insecure about hair, forgetting that it’s natural in this fabricated bullshit world….and it’s the only thing that I feel is real… I am a bush loving…make girls grow out their bush…even girls I just sext with….from lovers and strangers….BUSH…and it’s been a constant in my life for pretty much ever… So seeing this Marion Cotillard actress and her in movie bush, isn’t all that surprising, she’s french, they don’t or didn’t groom…hairy armpits like a feminist or not…while doing a little porny pussy grab…is magic…movie making magic…and probably not even her bush… The post Marion Cotillard Pussy Grab from a Movie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Marion Cotillard Pussy Grab from a Movie of the Day

Kirsten Dunst’s Hard Nipples of the Day

I know that Kristen Dunst is on some kind of comeback tour after pretty much disappearing for a decade, but I think this is her best work in recent years and it required as much talent as acting, all she had to do was show up and let her tits do the work. There was a time when hard nipples was enough for me to jerk off to, I am not even joking, and I was not even an overly horny dude, I was still a fucking pervert, but a fresh faced pervert, not desensitized pervert digging for complicated things to get off…and I guess that is a tribute to those glory days..which were around the time Kirsten Dunst hit the scene as a skinny body with big tits….before turning into a granny hipster dress wearing 40 year old with big tits…. I just googled her, she’s not even 35 yet…how the fuck does that make sense…but I guess any girl tainted by Jake Gyllenhaal, enemy of the site cuz he’s a pussy, is not worth paying attention to…except when it involves her big, full, round tits with hard nipples! The post Kirsten Dunst’s Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kirsten Dunst’s Hard Nipples of the Day

Amy Adams for GQ UK of the Day

Amy Adams is in the April Issue of GQ UK….and I don’t find her hot… I don’t even know what I’ve seen her in. I don’t even feel like further investigating this post…. I guess we can just try to visualize her orange pubic hair, something that used to make me gag when I thought about it, mainly because of the contrast of orange against pink against white white skin….but something in my later years has become fascinating because in all the gross I’ve fucked…none have had orange bush…and I feel like I’m missing out on a terrible fucking experience…that is probably Karma from pointing and laughing at girls in high school calling them Fire Crotch, probably decade before Paris Hilton and her rich friends did it to LOHAN…because I guess they read the site..back when the site mattered…. The post Amy Adams for GQ UK of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Amy Adams for GQ UK of the Day

Nina Agdal Does Vegas Bikini Parties of the Day

What the fuck is going on with her face..this is Nina Agdal, a model for Sports Illustrated who has a lot more fame that she probably deserves, at least based on her face alone, because proven in the above picture she’s more handicapped looking than Brooklyn Decker…it’ like they were from the same retard home and SI needed to pass the torch to some special needs people to keep their magazine politically correct… But I guess when you put her whole body into frame, and into perspective, everything seems a lot more interesting and the whole bikini model thing makes sense..it’s not about the face, it’s about the body and maybe in all her water head glory, she’s just got bad make-up on…I mean it’s some cheesy vegas event, you might as well cheese it up to fit in…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Nina Agdal Does Vegas Bikini Parties of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski for Yamamay Lingerie of the Day

I make fun of Emily Ratajkowski because I am an asshole, but also because I don’t like that she got too famous for being topless model to answer my emails. I take things personally like that, but these eager to be famous girls are pretty much all the same, and when fame finally hits, they stop emailing you pictures from various photoshoots they want you to promote for them… In fact, they don’t ever acknowledge you ever again, because they are busy and got what they wanted out of you, which is very low level marketing, since 3-4 people actually read the site… I will say, that there is no glory in being the second person to ever post Em Rat Cow pics early on in her career….in fact it doesn’t accomplish anything for your soul, bank account or penis. That said, I do need to give Emily Ratajkowski props where props are deserved, and that is that as a young girl with huge boobs on a skinny frame, willing to get topless, she’s managed to really build a career she otherwise would never have had…giving hope to young girls every where that getting naked pays off if you’re smart about it. So for that, I don’t resent Em Rat Cow…or her bird-like, debatably overrated face that I would have assumed would fade into obscurity but that just booked an new movie…she’s famous.

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Emily Ratajkowski for Yamamay Lingerie of the Day