Dakota Fanning is no longer the 7 year old creepy kid who was pretending she was in her mid 40s… Now she’s over 18, but her ass is pretending it is in her mid 40s…. At least that is what I am seeing here…from a movie called Very Good girls….that did some film festival run and that is now hitting select theatres in what I assume is her big “I’m a real actor, this is a real movie, with a good story, to maintain some credibility” script… Here’s the trailer, even though her ass
Dakota Fanning is no longer the 7 year old creepy kid who was pretending she was in her mid 40s… Now she’s over 18, but her ass is pretending it is in her mid 40s…. At least that is what I am seeing here…from a movie called Very Good girls….that did some film festival run and that is now hitting select theatres in what I assume is her big “I’m a real actor, this is a real movie, with a good story, to maintain some credibility” script… Here’s the trailer, even though her ass
I don’t care, so you probably don’t care…but Miranda Kerr brought out her implants in some fashion magazine that I assume she wasn’t paid for, but instead did because she can now show her nipples whenever the fuck she wants, as she’s not tied down to that pesky 3 million dollar Victoria’s Secret contract that was really holding her back in her career and not allowing her to do free shoots, when taking time off from fucking multiple billionaires… I’ve heard she’s a horrible person by people she works with. I believe it. She’s got a weirdo face…but she is still an ex Victoria’s Secret model like Gisele, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks before her, I am sure her demise is going to be just fine…and as long as there are nipples…I’ll notice, despite not caring…I’m just that kind of guy. Apparently I POSTED THESE IN APRIL …I am better at this than I thought I was…
I don’t care, so you probably don’t care…but Miranda Kerr brought out her implants in some fashion magazine that I assume she wasn’t paid for, but instead did because she can now show her nipples whenever the fuck she wants, as she’s not tied down to that pesky 3 million dollar Victoria’s Secret contract that was really holding her back in her career and not allowing her to do free shoots, when taking time off from fucking multiple billionaires… I’ve heard she’s a horrible person by people she works with. I believe it. She’s got a weirdo face…but she is still an ex Victoria’s Secret model like Gisele, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks before her, I am sure her demise is going to be just fine…and as long as there are nipples…I’ll notice, despite not caring…I’m just that kind of guy. Apparently I POSTED THESE IN APRIL …I am better at this than I thought I was…
When a celebrity walks into a health clinic, for either the abortion pill, or some other genital herpes or STD related medical issue, the key to diffusing the rumor, is to post a selfie explaining that it is just Sinus Problems… Fabulously/intensely dealing with sinus problems. Clearly. #blamethe70sflarepants I mean she can’t be at the medical center for vagina related issues if she makes a point of telling the internet it’s just her fucking sinuses.. We call that pretty fucking suspect behavior… No really, it’s just sinus issues…I swear, that’s why I posted it on my instagram…when I could have not told anyone…since realit
When a celebrity walks into a health clinic, for either the abortion pill, or some other genital herpes or STD related medical issue, the key to diffusing the rumor, is to post a selfie explaining that it is just Sinus Problems… Fabulously/intensely dealing with sinus problems. Clearly. #blamethe70sflarepants I mean she can’t be at the medical center for vagina related issues if she makes a point of telling the internet it’s just her fucking sinuses.. We call that pretty fucking suspect behavior… No really, it’s just sinus issues…I swear, that’s why I posted it on my instagram…when I could have not told anyone…since realit
Cherry Foo died while being taken to the mainland on a boat after doctors at the Tioman health clinic advised her to seek follow-up medical treatment at Mersing Hospital. A 21-year-old polytechnic student from Singapore died shortly after being rescued from a near-drowning experience when she fell off a boat at the Tioman island marine park on Wednesday. “She was accompanied by a doctor but died on the way to the mainland,” said Mersing police chief Deputy Superintendent Mohd Nor Rasid. Foo h