In the latest episode of “The Bitter & The Sweet,” Kandi is joined by her fellow “Real Housewives of Atlanta” castmate Phaedra Parks. The two ladies touch on a topic that hits close to home for Phaedra: dating men with criminal records. (As we all know, her now-husband spent some time in jail). Phaedra (and her attorney instincts) advised formerly-incarcerated men to get educated on how to get their history expunged, but it got us wondering. Would you ladies date a man with a criminal record? If not, would an expungement change your mind? Terri Vaughn To Kandi: “I Met My Second Husband While Divorcing My First” [VIDEO] Kandi Answers How Celebrities Cope With Bullying [VIDEO] Take A Look:
Kandi & Phaedra Parks On Getting Your Man’s Criminal Record Erased [VIDEO]