Tag Archives: told-the-agency

A Mother’s Rage: Grieving Afghan Woman Slaughters 25 Taliban In 7 Hours As Revenge For Her Son’s Murder

She’s the real army of one… Afghan Mother Kills 25 Taliban Members In Bloody Gunfight To Avenge Son’s Death Via DailyMail : A grieving Afghan mother took bloody revenge on the Taliban militants who gunned down her son, killing 25 and injuring five of them during a seven hour gun battle. Reza Gul watched helplessly as her son died while he manned a village checkpoint with his small team of police officers in the lawless Farah province. But flanked by her daughter and daughter-in-law, she led a counter strike on his attackers killing 25 militants and wounding another five during a ferocious seven hour gun battle. ‘I couldn’t stop myself and picked up a weapon,’ Gul told TOLO News. ‘I went to the check post and began shooting back.’ Her daughter-in-law Seema added: ‘The fighting was intensified when we reached the battlefield along with light and heavy weapons. We were committed to fight until the last bullet.’ She added that the combats zone was strewn with Taliban bodies when the fighting was over. A spokesman for the Afghanistan’s Ministry of Interior told the agency it was a symbol of a public uprising. The Taliban is yet to comment about the incident. We’re sorry for her loss, but it certainly looks like she’s actively working on healing. This story would make a crazy action flick. TOLOnews

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A Mother’s Rage: Grieving Afghan Woman Slaughters 25 Taliban In 7 Hours As Revenge For Her Son’s Murder