The brightly-plumaged birds of paradise edged out the mad black woman as Rio took the top spot again, with Madea’s Big Happy Family following close behind at number two. The olde-timey circus of R. Pattz and Reese Witherspoon’s Water For Elephants pulled into number three while the wild tabbies of African Cats settled into sixth place. Your weekend receipts are here.
If you’re a Doctor Who fan, this last week has been a bit bittersweet for you. On the one hand, you’ve got the terrific new season (or series, if you’d like) that just premiered last night. But on the other hand, you’ve had to deal with the sudden, untimely death of Elisabeth Sladen , who played Sarah Jane Smith, the ne plus ultra of the Doctor’s companions. And now Doctor Who players from past and present — including Matt Smith, David Tennant, John Barrowman, Daniel Anthony, Anjli Mohindra, Tommy Knight, Katy Manning and Russell T. Davies — reminisce together about Sladen and Sarah Jane in a short special that aired last night on the CBBC. Check it out below.