Tag Archives: tongue-photo

29 Kim Kardashian Selfies That Nearly Broke the Internet

Kim Kardashian is all about the selfie. And we mean ALL ABOUT THE SELFIE. Check out a bunch of photos snapped by Kim Kardashian herself… and then don't waste money on purchasing the Kim Kardashian selfie book. 1. Kimye Selfie Kim Kardashian snaps a selfie while Kanye West lies in bed. Shhh… you don’t wanna wake him. 2. Kim Kardashian Boobs Pic Those are some serious boobs on Kim Kardashian. And that is a serious mouth. 3. Kim Kardashian in a Bathroom This is a #PublicBathroomSelfie, according to Kim Kardashian. Yes, she’ll snap a selfie absolutely anywhere. 4. Kim Kardashian Cinches Waist Kim Kardashian is touting a new product in this selfie. It’s a waist corset thingy that continues to prove she is a HORRIBLE role model for young women. 5. Kim Kardashian Nose Job Photo Has Kim K gone under the knife? That certainly seems to be the case based on this photo. 6. Kim Kardashian Tongue Photo How many licks does it take to the center of Kim Kardashian? Kanye West knows the answer. So does Ray J. View Slideshow

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29 Kim Kardashian Selfies That Nearly Broke the Internet