Tag Archives: tonight-as-well

Sean Kingston Stabilized

Sean Kingston, 21, best known for his 2007 hit “Beautiful Girls,” recently collaborated with Justin Beiber for “Eenie Meeni.” As the 17-year-old Tweeted: “Got my friend @seankingston in my prayers tonight. a true friend and big bro. please keep him in your prayers tonight as well.” Hip-hop star Sean Kingston was operating a jet ski in Miami Beach early Sunday evening when the watercraft collided with the Palm Island Bridge. His condition has now been stabilized. “Sean was heading west from the

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Sean Kingston Stabilized

Pia Toscano “All By Myself” American Idol (Video)


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Pia Toscano wrapped up the girls night last week with a stellar performance and tonight rocked out to Celine Dion’s All By Myself. Pai sounded and looked great tonight as well. All three Idol judges praised her performance saying: Steven Tyler: That was the some total of all the work you’ve done. Happy International Woman’s Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Sugar Slam Discovery Date : 10/03/2011 03:29 Number of articles : 2

Pia Toscano “All By Myself” American Idol (Video)