Tag Archives: too-exclusive

Selena Gomez Harper’s Outtakes by Terry Richardson of the Day

Last night was the premiere of the Spring Breakers and I wasn’t invited….but I don’t care about premieres…that shit is too exclusive and high end for me…I prefer to keep shit gutter and watch the movie on VHS when it comes out….. In celebration of the movie, or the premiere, Terry Richardson decided to release some pics of her from their Harper’s Bazaar shoot I posted last week, probably before every blog, cuz I’m awesome like that…. The pics may not be Typical Terry Richardson Smut…but it’s for mainstream media people, he can’t have her laying golden eggs from her vagina and shit….even if she’s a known sex offender thanks to Bieber…. But she’s looking pretty awesome to me…all hipster and in need to be validated…cuz no hipster likes knowing they were Disney stars…it fucks with their street cred…and that’s why she’s trying so hard….and I’m glad she is…

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Selena Gomez Harper’s Outtakes by Terry Richardson of the Day