Tag Archives: top-prostitutes

Kate Middleton Royal White Bikini Pictures of the Day

I love white bikinis…they are always the most seductive bikini…they are usually the most sheer bikini and for some reason they are usually the bikini color that most easily allows me to focus on pussy definition…. This is Kate Middleton. She’s having the biggest deal wedding since Celine Dion and her child molesting neighbor. This is some Royal shit, legit Royal shit, none of that Hollywood Royalty shit, authentic Royal shit, not quite the same shit I’d fear would stain my white bikini if I drank the resort water…or got my Royal period that clearly isn’t enough of a fear to stop from showing the world my Royal pussy defininition… She’s a big fucking deal….here’s her Royal body….in a Royal bikini doing Royal things…like absolutely nothing…cuz that’s what the Royal family is all about…the most overpaid unemployed do nothings stuck in a life of luxury in the world……Good times.. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kate Middleton Royal White Bikini Pictures of the Day

Leighton Meester Girl on Girl Bikini Pic of the Day

I make fun of Leighton Meester cuz she’s not that hot, she was raised by criminals, she got famous sucking the right dick, and eating the bottom feeding shit, including staring in fetish films and sex tapes….even though those are some of my favorite things… Here are some pictures of Leighton Meester in a bikini getting close to one of her friends for twitter attention…cuz that’s what she’s good at… Sure, I can’t see past the shit stain on her thigh, wondering where it is from….Is that a birthmark, a bathroom accident thanks to resort food, a battle wound from her porn/fetish career she had rising to Gossip Girl fame, maybe a scar from when her mom taught her prison tricks on how to get a head using her pussy and not getting caught, you know the secrets of the trade only learned living in the halfway house as a baby with some of the counties top prostitutes…. Either way, this girl on girl bikini party in public is weak …has shit on this girl on girl bikini party… But I guess since this bitch is on TV, it gets bonus points…even though she knows how to hustle better than this…


The rest is here:
Leighton Meester Girl on Girl Bikini Pic of the Day