Cristina Tosio is a Spanish Model…and in being Spanish…she would probably cut off your dick if you were her boyfriend and she assumed you were cheating on her with the waitress that served you at the restaurant who you stared at for a few seconds longer than you should have….You see Spanish girls are passionate like that…making them pretty intense fucks…if you’re willing to risk losing your penis for them…which luckily, every time I fuck, I am…that is the foundation of me not using condoms…I’m like “Whatever, let’s get this done”…I mean it’s not like AIDS is a death sentence, and if I haven’t got herpes yet, after all the gutter pussy I’ve been inside, statistically, I probably never will….not that my penis has anything to do with this Cristina chick, but it may if I stare at these bikini pics much longer.
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Cristina Tosio Hot for Elle Spain of the Day